After the death of Montagu, Mary Annie was left to care for four young children.
Mary moved to Mackay and there she ran a shop, as in the Queensland Gazette she held a licence to sell tobacco from a shop in Mackay during the year 1896.

They married in the Holy Trinity Church, Mackay, on 2nd October 1896,she was 30 years old. She was recorded as living in Mirani.

The children most likely attended the
Mirani State primary School

Arthur and Mary Ann proceeded then, to have quite a number of children over the next 18 years.
Arthur Ernest Pacey.
He was born 11 October 1867 in Sydney. His parents were William Pacey and Mary Ann Maplesden. They arrived in Australia from England in 1857.
Arthur was the youngest of the children, and was born in New South Wales.
In 1876, when Arthur was 9 his mother died. There was not a lot known about him in the years between his birth and his mother's death. The family though were painters. It poses another question, who looked after the children?
Perhaps he went to live with one of his elder brothers, Charles, his eldest had was married and has a son born the same year as Arthur's mother's death. His brother William lived in Victoria.
What he did though was became a member of a travelling circus, as a magician, under the name "The Great Dalmore". That has been confirmed with his family and also from a performance he gave in 1907 at Kuranda.
Arthur was also a member of a band. He may have been in the NSW Military Band, but he was in a similar band in Queensland, where he was placed third in a competition.
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Friday 13 June 1890 p 6 Article

In Geelong the light box entertained the locals, the family still retain the light box.

Then 1892, he wins a prize in a Military Band Tournament.
A photo of him in a band uniform, indicates it could be similar style to one of the bands of the day.

Mandarin collars and cap sleeves would not be that common.
In 1897 he is listed as living in Wood St Mackay. Perhaps that is where the family lived after the marriage. A cyclone damaged the street, and now it is one of the main streets in the town.

He had married May Coates in Sydney in 1906. No death can be found for May Coates. She sometimes went as Agnes Coates, and there is one record in the census 1906 of a Agnes Coates living in Brisbane. She may have returned to England. They had three children. Norman later married Alice Gilbert.
Montagu John b 1890 He died at the landing at Galliopoli and the last story will be devoted to those brave men and women, who fought in this the Centenary of Anzacs.
The Children with Arthur
Mary Annie Pacey b 19th November 1897 2nd
Dec 1973
Lily Norine Pacey b 27th October, 1899 1968
Arthur Royden Pacey b 11th June 1901 27th August 1916
Claude Maplesden Pacey b
1903 Murwillumbah d
5th Nov 1978
Mercia Daphne Pacey b 1905 Murwillumbah 22nd
July 2000 NZ
Roma Dalmore Pacey b 20th October 1907
Kuranda d 15 Sept 1984
Ernest William Pacey b 31st May 1910 Townsville (possibly Bowen)
Charles Norman Pacey b July 1915. In Ipswich d 28 Sept 1978 Albany Creek Crem.
Her daughter Charlotte Mary Durnsford died at Drayton in 5th May 1900, so the family were either living or visiting that area at the time. Mary's mother's family came from Drayton. Was Mary aware of her mother's family? Or was that a co-incidence.
Charlotte's name is recorded as Durnford.
Burial Record Family Name DURNFORD Given Names CHARLOTTE M Gender Female Religion CofE Age at Death 13 Date of Death 05 May 1900 Next of Kin Date of Burial 06 May 1900 Undertaker Other J G PRIMROSE Minister of Religion T D WARNER Burial Number D383 Cemetery Drayton Location Section: CE OLD 2, Block: R1, Allotment: 4 View map of CE OLD 2 Other Interments Headstone Unknown
Buried at Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery Died at Toowoomba Hospital

In 1907 they were back up in North Queensland, and Roma Dalmore Pacey was born there. Arthur was entertaining the audience at the Prize Giving of the Kuranda School, with his show Magic from Japan!
What would they be doing in Kuranda? There was the railway, but it had been built in 1891.

Also in 1907, Miss Pacey wore a lovely dress to the Ball, the image of her name is blackened.
The town of Kuranda in 1907
Then in 1909 they were living in Bowen. A beautiful part of the Queensland Coast.

In 1909 they were living in Bowen. Arthur did an unforgivable thing, he took to the family and his daughter Roma with a gun. He shot his neighbour threatened Mary and the children and managed to get off the charge. His excuse was he had been drinking.
He must have been a rather cruel man. His defence was he didn't know where his daughter was. She had gone to the shops, and didn't return. He became angry.
This was Ada, his step-daughter, who caught a train to Cairns to go to her sister Maud. The girls sent a telegram to their mother when she arrived.
He maintained he didn't know about the telegram.
Absolutely no excuse to then go and terrorise his family and shoot his neighbour.
Those poor children, and poor Mary.
While living in Bowen, Mary's son Montagu joined the 11th Light Horse Brigade, a CMF unit. He was also out painting with his step father.
It is not known where the children went to school.
Transcription of the Shooting
John Arthur Sullivan, a cane contractor, residing at Ingham, stated that the defendant's house was about 500 yards distant from witness's house. About 6 o'clock on the evening of 20th December, Mrs Pacey, carrying an infant, and with several children following, ran over to witness's house and went into a back room of the house occupied by witness's mother.
Mrs Pacey ran into a corner of the room and the children got under the bed. Directly afterwards Pacey came over and stood opposite the bedroom door. Pacey was carrying a gun, and said "My wife is here," and asked witness to order her out. Witness told Mrs Pacey that Pacey wanted her. She did not answer.
Witness then said. "Very, likely if you put the gun down Mrs Pacey will come out to you." Pacey said he would not put the gun down, but that he would shoot her. He was then standing at the door of the bed- room.
Pacey then stepped backwards towards the front door, and when he had reached the door, witness's mother came out of the room Mrs. Pacey was in. She spoke to Pacey, who replied "I will shoot you," and put the gun to his shoulder.
Mrs Pacey ran into a corner of the room and the children got under the bed. Directly afterwards Pacey came over and stood opposite the bedroom door. Pacey was carrying a gun, and said "My wife is here," and asked witness to order her out. Witness told Mrs Pacey that Pacey wanted her. She did not answer.
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Ingham School 1909 |
Pacey then stepped backwards towards the front door, and when he had reached the door, witness's mother came out of the room Mrs. Pacey was in. She spoke to Pacey, who replied "I will shoot you," and put the gun to his shoulder.
Witness ordered him to put the gun down. Witness's wife then came out carrying Pacey's baby, with the object of pacifying him, and he replied "Bring it out, I'll shoot it." Witness then pushed his motlier inside the room and walked towards Pacey, telling him to put the gun down. Pacey took the gun down from his shoulder and told witness if he came nearer he would "Crack him."
Witness kept walking towards Pacey, and the latter walked sideways along the verandah. At the end of the verandah Pacey stepped off on to the ground, and said "I'll put a hole through you." Witness went to the front door as quickly as he could. Pacey then put the rifle to his shoulder and shot witness just as he got to the door, several shots struck him on the face. Witness was much dazed, and thought his eye had been knocked out.
Witness was taken to Dr. Macdonald's surgery, where he was attended to. Since the shooting witness had suffered from headaches and his eyesight was affected. There were a number of shot marks on the door, and shot marks through a straw hat he was wearing.
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Bowen School |
Witness kept walking towards Pacey, and the latter walked sideways along the verandah. At the end of the verandah Pacey stepped off on to the ground, and said "I'll put a hole through you." Witness went to the front door as quickly as he could. Pacey then put the rifle to his shoulder and shot witness just as he got to the door, several shots struck him on the face. Witness was much dazed, and thought his eye had been knocked out.
Witness was taken to Dr. Macdonald's surgery, where he was attended to. Since the shooting witness had suffered from headaches and his eyesight was affected. There were a number of shot marks on the door, and shot marks through a straw hat he was wearing.
Witness's wife then came out carrying Pacey's baby, with the object of pacifying him, and he replied "Bring it out, I'll shoot it." Witness then pushed his motlier inside the room and walked towards Pacey, telling him to put the gun down. Pacey took the gun down from his shoulder and told witness if he came nearer he would "Crack him." Witness kept walking towards Pacey, and the latter walked sideways along the verandah. At the end of the verandah Pacey stepped off on to the ground, and said "I'll put a hole through you." Witness went to the front door as quickly as he could.
Pacey then put the rifle to his shoulder and shot witness just as he got to the door, several shots struck him on the face. Witness was much dazed, and thought his eye had been knocked out. Witness was taken to Dr. Macdonald's surgery, where he was attended to. Since the shooting witness had suffered from headaches and his eyesight was affected. There were a number of shot marks on the door, and shot marks through a straw hat he was wearing. By Mr. Douglas: There was no animosity between witness and Pacey. Whilst Pacey was in the house he could have shot witness, and did attempt to do so. He was never more than five yards from Pacey.
When Pacey went off the verandah he went sideways. Witness did not see Pacey stumble, but knew that his (witness's) brother said he saw him stumble, and put one hand to the ground. Witness saw Pacey deliberately point the gun at him. Since the shooting Pacey had stopped witness on the road one evening, but he had not spoken to him since then. Witness bore no animosity to Pacey. He did not hear Pacey at the Police Court offer to pay all witness's expenses. Pacey did not seem very excited at the time of the shooting. Rose Marion Sullivan, wife of previous witness, corroborated his evidence, and stated that after the shooting her husband fell inside the door, with his face covered in blood.
By Mr. Douglas: Witness did not remark to her husband on that evening that Pacey seemed very merry as he was going home. Pacey's voice was very loud and excited when he was in witness's house. Herbert Sullivan, a brother of J. A. Sullivan, stated that he was at the back of the house, and he saw Pacey put the gun to his shoulder and fire. By Mr. Douglas: When Pacey stepped off the verandah he stumbled, and put one hand on the ground. Pacey was very excited.
By Mr. Jameson: When Pacey put the gun to his shoulder he was standing with both feet on the ground. Dr. W. C. C. Macdonald, Government Medical Officer at Ingham, stated that he attended to John Arthur Sullivan on the evening of December 30. He had been bleeding profusely, and was in a very excited state. He had five wounds on his face, which witness took to be shot wounds. Sullivan, was under treatment for about a fortnight or three weeks. There was an effusion of blood in the left eye caused by a wound above the eye. A very serious wound might be made, with shot from a gun like that produced.
By Mr. Douglas: The injuries Sullivan received were not serious, and he was all right now. Acting Sergeant Connolly stated that in consequence of a complaint, he went to Pacey's house on the evening of December 30, accompanied by a constable. When they arrived within 30 yards of the house Pacey came on to the verandah, with a gun and pointing i at them said, "If you come an inch further, I'll shoot you." Witness said "Don't be foolish and make
matters worse than at present." Pacey said "I have my mind made up; I
shot that fellow all right, and the only thing I am sorry for I did not
finish him." Pacey then said "If you bring back my wife and family, I will give you the gun."
Witness said "You can't expect your wife to come back whilst you have the gun in your hand." Witness then sent the con- stable to bring Mrs. Pacey, and when the constable had gone a little distance Pacey came off the verandah and handed the gun and cartridges to witness. Witness picked up an empty cartridge near Pacey's house. Pacey said that was the shot he fired in his own house.
By Mr. Douglas: Whilst witness was approaching Pacey's house he heard a shot fired. Pacey said he would blow his own head off. Pacey was cool at the time, though his eyes were fiery and red. Witness thought he had had liquor. The lock-up keeper wanted to go to a dance that night, but witness refused to let him go, because he was in charge of the lock-up.
Witness did not know what he would do. Pacey bore a very good reputation in the district. This concluded the case for the Crown. The defendant, Arthur Ernest Pacey, gave evidence on his own behalf. He stated that he was a painter residing at Ingham, and was a married man,with nine children. On the 28th December one of his daughters, aged 16 years, brought his lunch to the job he was working on. She then told him that she had to go to the store,and that she would not be back for an hour for the dishes.
About 2.30 that afternoon one of witness's younger daughters came to him and asked where was Ada, as her mother was in a great state. Witness went over to town to look for Ada, and found that she had gone away by the train that day. Witness went to Sergeant Connolly's office and asked him could he stop the girl at Lucinda and bring her back home. Witness did not then know where his daughter had gone. For the next two or three days he could not work. He wired to his eldest daughter at Cairns telling her that Ada had run away and to be on the look out for her. During this time he was drinking heavily, and on the 30th could recollect nothing until mid- day, until he found himself in the lock-up. The first day he was in the lock-up they would not allow him a knife and fork for his meals, but afterwards be got them.
About 2.30 that afternoon one of witness's younger daughters came to him and asked where was Ada, as her mother was in a great state. Witness went over to town to look for Ada, and found that she had gone away by the train that day. Witness went to Sergeant Connolly's office and asked him could he stop the girl at Lucinda and bring her back home. Witness did not then know where his daughter had gone. For the next two or three days he could not work. He wired to his eldest daughter at Cairns telling her that Ada had run away and to be on the look out for her. During this time he was drinking heavily, and on the 30th could recollect nothing until mid- day, until he found himself in the lock-up. The first day he was in the lock-up they would not allow him a knife and fork for his meals, but afterwards be got them.
Thank goodness none of his children would have remembered this. The baby was Roma Pacey.
In 1910 when Ernest was
born they were living in Townsville.
Townsville may be the district for Ingham, or they may have packed up and left Ingham. At the time of the shooting they were living on the Ingham Townsville Road.

Arthur was a painter, as was Montague. It was a more lively town in 1913.
In 1914, Montague
enlisted for World War 1. He gave his
address as Bowen Street Wood End, Ipswich.
In 1914 Arthur was
found bankrupt.
In 1916 Arthur enlisted
for World War 1. He gave his address as Lowrie
Street North Ipswich and noted he had 6 children. He was not away long, as he went in the re-mount,
Their role was to look after the horses after the troops had won Gallipoli. Well that didn't eventuate, so he had a bit of a holiday, enjoyed the sights of Egypt and returned home.
Their role was to look after the horses after the troops had won Gallipoli. Well that didn't eventuate, so he had a bit of a holiday, enjoyed the sights of Egypt and returned home.
Mary had a total of 13 children, with Pearl and Charlotte both dying quite young.
Her sons, Montague died
at Gallipoli, and Arthur died of an accident at Ipswich in 1916.
In 1919 he and Mary were listed as living in Scarborough Street Southport, and he was a fruiterer.
Children with Arthur Pacey. At the time of Mary's death he would have had several children in his care. However they were living in Southport and it is very likely that Mary Annie took care of them.

Mary Annie known as Pansy, was born 19 November 1897.
In 1922 she was listed as living in Nerang occupation, home duties.
In 1925 she was listed as living in Kitchener Road, Ascot
In 1925 Robert was living in Store Street Albion no employment noted.
In 1926 she married Robert Gorron Rapkins. She was 28
Robert died in 1933, and she in 1936 is living at 15 Windsor Road Red Hill. She never remarried.
Robert's family also came from Armagh in Ireland. His grandmother was Mary Gorron, or Gorrian and his grandfather Samuel Thomas Walker. Due to the transcription, her arrival into Victoria is also not able to be traced.
Robert was born in 1884 in Terranora, Northern New South Wales, and the family lived in Nerang.

Mary died 2nd December 1973, in Ryde New South Wales, she must have been visiting one of her sisters at the time.
She is also buried at Lutwyche Cemetery. Buried 7th January 1974.
Known as Aunty Pansy. Lived at 15 Windsor Road Red Hill. The house is on the high corner opposite the post office, and had huge agaves planted all along the slope. It is now a block of units.

Like her sisters who had no children, she favoured
some of her nieces and nephews.
Lily Norien Pacey
Lily was born 27th October, 1899 in Queensland. She married Eric Charles Kersley in Manly NSW in 1920 when she was aged 21.
In 1919 Eric Charles Kersley was living in Mudgeeraba.
In 1919 Lily is not recorded on the census, as she would have been under 21, but it is likely she was living in Southport with her sister or her parents.
Eric was the son of William Kersley and Ellen Parr. He was born in Reading in Berkshire in September 1899.
The family arrived in Queensland in 1911 and they lived at Mudgeeraba, and were involved in dairying.
Eric joined the Army in he First World War in the Reinforcements, when he was of age. His brother was also in the service.

Service Number: 3670
Rank: Private
Roll title: 49 Infantry Battalion - 2 to 10 Reinforcements (April 1916 - August 1917)
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Date of embarkation: 01 August 1917

Place of embarkation: Sydney
Ship embarked on: HMAT Medic A7
Lily Norien Pacey

In 1919 Eric Charles Kersley was living in Mudgeeraba.
In 1919 Lily is not recorded on the census, as she would have been under 21, but it is likely she was living in Southport with her sister or her parents.

The family arrived in Queensland in 1911 and they lived at Mudgeeraba, and were involved in dairying.
Eric joined the Army in he First World War in the Reinforcements, when he was of age. His brother was also in the service.

Service Number: 3670
Rank: Private
Roll title: 49 Infantry Battalion - 2 to 10 Reinforcements (April 1916 - August 1917)
Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918
Date of embarkation: 01 August 1917

Ship embarked on: HMAT Medic A7

Eric was in World War 1 and returned to Australia in 1919. They had one son Eric who died when he was about 20. (Eric is on the left)
Eric died in 17th September 1961. The coroner's inquest learnt that he had died of heart failure under anaesthetic administered for an operation.
And they had a daughter, Norine who married John Stevens.
In 1936 they were living in 118 Darly Road Manly

Norine died before 1968, when Lily died.
Lily was cremated at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium Manly. They lived the whole of their lives in the Manly area.
Eric died in 17th September 1961. The coroner's inquest learnt that he had died of heart failure under anaesthetic administered for an operation.
And they had a daughter, Norine who married John Stevens.
In 1936 they were living in 118 Darly Road Manly

Norine died before 1968, when Lily died.
Lily was cremated at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium Manly. They lived the whole of their lives in the Manly area.
Arthur Claude Pacey
Died tragically at age 16. (As children our Aunty Roma told us that he was in WW1 and that he died around the same time as Monty) However, he died as the result of an accident 1916.
Died tragically at age 16. (As children our Aunty Roma told us that he was in WW1 and that he died around the same time as Monty) However, he died as the result of an accident 1916.
From the newspaper report: Brisbane Courier 28th August 1916.
A sad fatality occurred yesterday morning (our Ipswich correspondent advised last night), the victim being Arthur R. Pacey, a son of (Mr. A.E. Pacey, of Lowry Street, North Ipswich. He left his home with some other boys about 8 oclock to view the “Do Without” Carnival procession and while crossing Bremer Bridge he attempted to climb up on a wagon, with the result that he slipped and fell.
Fatal Accident BOY KILLED ON BREMER BRIDGE. CAUGHT UNDER A WAGGON WHEEL. A sad accident occurred on the Bremer Bridge early last Saturday morning, when a boy named, Arthur Royden Pacey, aged 15 years and two months ,was killed by a wagon wheel. crushing his body.
It appears that the boy left home at about 7.30 o'clock intending to take charge of two little boys, who live in Brisbane street -to secure them a good view of the patriotic procession. He was walking over the Bremer Bridge, and saw a cart belonging to Mr. W. G. Livermore going in the same direction.
He attempted to spring on to the wagon while it was moving. From some cause, however, his foot slipped, and he fell in front of one of the wheels. The horses were somewhat restive and it was impossible to stop them before the wheel had passed on to Pacey's body.
He did not get off the wagon, The wheel did not go right over Pacey, but had pinned him to the ground. Edward Stanley (recalled) stated that he spoke to Pacey after the accident, saying, "Are you hurt ?" Pacey replied, "A bit."' Arthur Ernest Pacey, painter, and decorator (father of the deceased), said that at the hospital he saw his son, he said, "Don't cry, Lad. I've• been run over by Livermore's big wagon; How do. you ' think I'll get on '"
Pacey told his son that he thought he would get on all right. The deceased then said that as-he was coming over from town, the lad . on Livermore's wagon asked him to' "hop up," and while climbing up he fell, and the wheel went over him. Witness asked him where, and the boy replied, "Across. my heart," drawing .his hands across his breast.
It was the opinion 'of the witness that the boy's death was purely an accident. Const. Rowings stated that he went up to the hospital at on the 26th of August, and had a conversation with the deceased. ' Pacey told him that he had been run over by a loaded wagon. The witness asked Pacey did he think there was anyone to blame for the accident, .and deceased replied "No." Witness was quite satisfied that Pacey's death was purely an accident. This concluded the inquiry.
He regained consciousness and bore up bravely, Despite every attention, however, the lad died at about I am .yesterday. The deceased lad was a son of Acting-Cpl. A. E. Pacey, of Lowry-street North Ipswich, who returned from military duties some weeks ago. It will be remembered that Pte, Pacey, has another son, has some time ago . reported missing at Gallipoli. The funeral will leave the SE. Thomas's Church, North Ipswich;
Claude Maplesden Pacey

He worked in the hospitality industry, and then painting industry.
He was living at 76 Dalgety Street.
He married Winifred May and they had four children.
He died 5th November 1978 in East Freemantle West Australia
Mercia Pacey
Mercia was born in 1905 in Murwillimbah. She lived in Sydney The first recorded entry ws in 1925 when she was living at 7 Wentworth Street Manly
In 1936 to 1954 she was living with Lily and Eric at 118 Darley Road, Manly
She later lived at 117 Macleay Street Potts Point. She lived for many years at Maloney Street East Lakes and worked in the city. She was always immaculately dressed.
Mercia never married but she had a special person Bill. He came from New Zealand Bay of Islands, and she eventually went to live there with him.
For her, it was a very beautiful place where she was happy. She lived at Mascot in Sydney, As she lived with Lily and Eric, she probably also had a lot time spent with their daughter Norine.
Mercia was born in 1905 in Murwillimbah. She lived in Sydney The first recorded entry ws in 1925 when she was living at 7 Wentworth Street Manly
In 1936 to 1954 she was living with Lily and Eric at 118 Darley Road, Manly

Mercia never married but she had a special person Bill. He came from New Zealand Bay of Islands, and she eventually went to live there with him.
For her, it was a very beautiful place where she was happy. She lived at Mascot in Sydney, As she lived with Lily and Eric, she probably also had a lot time spent with their daughter Norine.

She spent a lot of time with cousin Helen and her family. Mercia died on 22nd July 2000 at Orewa in Auckland. A beautiful part of New Zealand. She was cremated on 26th July 2000 aged 94 years.
remember staying with her once, and she gave me the most delicious meal of
“chicken”. When we had finished she then
told me it was “rabbit”.
Roma Dalmore Pacey

At the time of her mother's death she would have been 12 years of age.

She married Maurice Albert Donald in 1924, at Murwillumbah.
In 1925 their son Maurice Charles Donald was born.

They lived in Queanbeyan in 1930. Then returned to Albion where they lived for many years.
Her husband Maurice died in 1946.
Around 1956 Roma became the partner of Uncle Dick, as we knew him.
However his name was Leonard Jarvis Farrow Neller. How that became Uncle Dick, is a mystery.

Richard married Violet Florence, and he died in 1991, and both are in Kulangoor Cemetery.
William married Diedrie, and he died in 2007.
Again the family were painters.

As children we spent a lot of time with her, both at the shop and later at Bald Hills.
Her shop was open at night, she made simply the best hamburgers for miles around, and had such a good trade.
Who would believe that all these years later another food shop operates just a couple of doors away.
But while researching her shop, the wonderful old photos of Albion show how it was when we were growing up as children.

Her shop was open at night, she made simply the best hamburgers for miles around, and had such a good trade.
Who would believe that all these years later another food shop operates just a couple of doors away.

Dick and Roma moved to a little house in Grand
Street, Bald Hills, and they saw out
their years there.

Roma's son Morrie, (Maurice Charles) he committed suicide in Victoria in 1964. He had been living in Yallorn.

He was a fitter by trade, and he travelled with his job. He did not marry.
She was devastated when that happened, and sought comfort in the great nieces and nephews.
Uncle Dick died some time after 1973, but his death records have not been sourced.
Roma died in her sleep on the night of 15th September 1984. Something I will never forget. I had had my wisdom teeth out that afternoon, she rang at 7.00pm to find out how I was, and sounded so cheery. By 8.00am next morning we received a phone call from the neighbour who always checked on her, hat she had died. As her next of kin, the following days were quite a blur, and at the same time I became quite ill with "dry socket", and we had to handle all the issues that resulted from her death.
She was cremated at the Albany Creek Crematorium in Brisbane Wall 7 Sect 4 Niche 151.

She knitted the most beautiful cardigans for my children, she became a mother to me.
When she died, she left her home to our children to have a private education. We all appreciate her involvement in our lives.

How lucky were we to have them all as our Aunts.

He had married Dorothy May, by the time he enlisted, perhas 1940.
In 1949 they were living in Chataway Street Murgon. He was a salesman.
They lived at Southport for many years.
Ernest died in 1980. Dot died August 2012.
They had one son, Terrence who was born 1941.

Terry married Susanne Valerie Henning and they lived in Honiara for some time, and he was the head teacher of the school.
His wife Sue and two children joined him there.
Sue died December 2012. Terry died in September 2010.
Charles Norman Pacey

In 1943 he was married to Ethel Grace and they were living in Station Road Indooroopilly, his employment a librarian.
Charles enlisted in World War 2 in 1940, but only served a few months. and had has his next of kin, his sister Mary.
For quite some time they lived in Lucas Street Toowong and he was a fireman. They later moved to Carseldine.
The family lived at Carseldine on acreage. He worked for a paint company.
His children were John, Desley and Rodney and Mark. Painting remained a family tradition.
Once again who looked after the children after Mary died?
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