Barbara Ann Black's father was Sir Patrick Blake who succeeded his father as the Baronet of Langham in Suffolk in 1760.
Sir Patrick Blake the eldest son of Andrew and Marcella was born in 1724 most probably in St Christopher, St Kitts, and he died in 1784.
He was educated at Eton, and then at Cambridge.

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Painting of Annabella |
Annabella was the daughter of Reverend Sir William Bunbury and his wife Eleanor Graham.
Her siblings were in the upper class, with her brothers involved in politics, and other arts.
She was born in 1745 and died in 1818. They were married 14th April 1762.
He was the MP for Sudbury.
Blake inherited considerable property in St. Kitts from his grandfather, but from his father ‘1s. only, because of his undutifullness ... and following the advice of a parcel of Irish knaves who mean nothing but to plunder him’.
He seems to have applied to Grafton for a seat at the general election of 1768. Sir William Musgrave wrote to Lord Carlisle, 1 Oct. 1767, that Grafton had proposed Blake for Morpeth ‘and as you had directed me to take the Duke’s nomination without exception, I immediately agreed’. But on 16 Oct.: ‘Mr. Blake ... has engaged himself in a contest at Sudbury, where it is thought he will be drawn into great expenses without success.’2 Blake stood at Sudbury on a joint interest with Walden Hanmer, backed by Government. There was both expense and success, and a petition against the return.
In Parliament he voted with Opposition on Wilkes’s petition, 27 Jan. 1769, and expulsion, 3 Feb. 1769; with Administration on Brass Crosby, 27 Mar. 1771; was classed as ‘pro, present’ in Robinson’s two surveys on the royal marriage bill, March 1772, and as ‘pro’ before the general election. In 1774 he was defeated at Sudbury but seated on petition
He does not appear in the five minority lists October 1775-December 1778, but was classed as ‘contra, absent’ on the contractors bill, 12 Feb. 1779. His only reported votes in this Parliament were with Opposition on the censure motion against the Admiralty, 8 Mar. 1779, Dunning’s motion, 6 Apr. 1780, and the motion against prorogation 24 Apr.
In 1780 he was re-elected at Sudbury at the head of the poll. The English Chronicle in 1780 or 1781 described him as ‘attached to the cause of patriotism’, and though he voted with Administration on Lowther’s motion against the war, 12 Dec. 1781, he voted with Opposition on the censure motion against the Admiralty, 20 Feb. 1782, and on Conway’s motion against the war, 22 Feb. No other vote by him is reported before he left Parliament.
Robinson, March 1783, listed him as ‘ill or cannot attend’, and January 1784 as ‘doubtful, absent’; Stockdale, 19 Mar. 1784, as ‘Administration’. There is no record of his having spoken in the House. Blake did not stand again at the general election, and died 1 July 1784.
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1772 |

Langham Hall is a magnificent Grade II* listed country house, built in circa 1756 and set in about 98 acres of beautiful gardens and parkland. In addition to the main house there are 2 cottages, including Garden Cottage and 2 commercial office premises- Langham Court and Langham Grange.
There are about 8 acres of formal gardens including the historic walled garden. The overall land extends to about 98 acres including the formal gardens, woodland, arable land and parkland.
They had 5 children.
1 Annabella Blake b 1764 - 1812 m Robert Jones Adean,
Lord of the Manor of Bablaham
2 Henrietta Susannah Blake b 1765 Baptised at St Marys' St Marylebone Rd, St Marylebone
(A Susanna Blake died 5th January 1767, and was buried in St Marylebone)
3 Ann Frances Blake b 1766 died 1780 and buried 12th July 1780 at Langham
4 Sir Patrick Blake b 1768 1818 m Maria Charlotte Phipps at St Mary's Suffolk
5 James Henry (later Sir James) 1770 1832 m Louise Elizabeth Gage
(another famous name, her father was General Hon Thomas Gage, soldier in the US Wars)
Patrick and Annabel were with the children in St Kits for some time prior to 1772
Sir Patrick Blake had moved to the
island of St Christopher in the West Indies in 1772, when the business started
to fail, he felt he was need then.
Annabella moved back to London alone and met MP George Boscawen in March 1776 they had an affair. The Blake marriage had broken down and she ran away from one of his houses at 4.00am in the morning she met her lover at a pub in Essex where he used the name Richard Thompson, they later moved to France.
(remember the Boscowans?)Annabella moved back to London alone and met MP George Boscawen in March 1776 they had an affair. The Blake marriage had broken down and she ran away from one of his houses at 4.00am in the morning she met her lover at a pub in Essex where he used the name Richard Thompson, they later moved to France.
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Indicative only this is Wilkes |
So like any good upstanding member of the community, Patrick did what was expected of him.
He had his day in Court
Mr Patrick Blake's Divorce Bill.
The Order of the Day being read for the Second Reading of the Bill, intitled, "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Sir Patrick Blake Baronet, with Dame Annabella Blake his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned;" and for hearing Counsel for and against the same; and for the Lords to be summoned:
Counsel on both Sides were called in:
And Mr. Price appearing as Counsel for the Bill; and Mr. Hargrave as Counsel for Lady Blake:
The said Bill was read a Second Time.
Mr. Price was heard in support of the Bill, and to make out the Allegations thereof; and in order to prove the Marriage, called Edward Wallen Shepperd, who produced an Extract from the Register of Marriages of the Parish of Barton Great in the County of Suffolk, and declaring "That the same was a true Copy, he having examined it with the Original;" The same was read, whereby it appeared, that the said Sir Patrick Blake was married to Lady Blake at the said Parish Church on the 14th of April 1762.
He was directed to withdraw. (move from the stand)
Then the said Edward Wallen Shepperd was again called in, and produced an Office Copy of the Judgement obtained in the Court of King's Bench against George Boscawen Esquire, for Criminal Conversation with the said Lady Blake, 28th January 1778.
He was directed to withdraw.
Then Mark Holman, Deputy Register of the Consistory Court of the Bishop London, was called in; and being sworn, produced the Original Definitive Sentence of Divorce in the said Court, against the said Lady Blake, for the Crime of Adultery, 9th February 1778.
He was directed to withdraw.
Then George French Esquire was called in; and being sworn, acquainted the House, "That he knew Sir Patrick Blake and his Lady: That he saw them with their Two Children at Saint Kitts: That the Children were afterwards sent from thence to England: That Lady Blake came home with him, the Witness, to England in 1775: (George would have been a relative)
That they left Saint Kitts on the Ist of May 1775, and arrived at Portsmouth in June 1775: That Sir Patrick Blake did not come to England till September 1776; and that Lady Blake never after her coming to England returned to Saint Kitts."
He was directed to withdraw.
Then Robert Mark, Servant to Lady Blake, was called in; and being sworn, acquainted the House, "That he was hired as her Servant at Portsmouth in May 1775: That in June following her Ladyship landed at Portsmouth: That he attended her to Sir Patrick Blake's House in London: That afterwards he attended her to Sir Patrick Blake's Country Seat at Langham: That in May 1776 he went with her from Langham to Ilford in Essex, where she was met by a Gentleman who went by the Name of Thompson, and came in his own Chaise with Four Horses, whom he now knows to be Mr. Boscawen:
That Lady Blake went from thence with Mr. Boscawen in his Chaise to Dover: That from thence they embarked for France, landed at Calais, and from thence proceeded to Paris, going by the Names of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson; and from thence went to where they staid Three Weeks, and went there by the Names of Mr. and Mrs Boscawen:
That they lay in a Two bedded Room: That he has seen Mr. Boscawen go into the Room at Bed-time to Lady Blake, and that he, the Witness, has heard them talking together in the Night, and has seen him come out of her Room in the Morning: That they afterwards took a Chateau about Six or Seven Miles from where they lived together as Man and Wife for Twelve Months:
That they they had but One Room to sleep in with only One Bed in it: That he has seen Mr. Boscawen go into the Room at Night with his Night Cap on, and has seen him come out of the Room in the same Dress, and that he has heard Lady Blake talking to him in the Bed Chamber:
That One Morning Mr. Boscawen was not well, on which Occasion Lady Blake made his Breakfast in the Bed Room, and gave it him in Bed: That they returned to Calais, where they went by the Names of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson: That from thence they came to England, and went to Tinmouth in Cornwall, where they lived together for some Time as Man and Wife:
That he the Witness left them there about Seven Months ago; and that during the Time he lived with Lady Blake, he never saw Sir Patrick Blake."
He was directed to withdraw.
Then Vicinza Moro was called in; and being sworn and examined, acquainted the House, "That he lived as Servant with Mr. Boscawen in 1776: That he went with him in May 1776 to Ilford: That his Master met a Lady there, who he now knows to be Lady Blake, at Ilford, and carried her away in his own Chaise from Ilford to Dover: That he was ordered by his Master to say their Names were Mr. and Mrs. Thompson; which Names his Master gave him written on a Piece of Paper that he might not forget: That from Dover they went to Calais, and from thence to That from Calais they went by the Names of Mr. and Mrs. Boscawen: That while they were at they lay in the same Room together: That soon after they took a Chateau about Six or Seven Miles from That they lived there as Man and Wife, and lay in the same Room:
That he has seen his Master go into the Room at Night with his Night Cap on, and seen him come out in the Morning: That he has called him up in a Morning, and has heard Lady Blake talking to him in Bed: That they returned to England, and went to Tinmouth, under the Names of Mr. and Mrs Wilson: That they there lived together as Man and Wife: That he left Mr. Boscawen's Service about Seven Months and a Fortnight since:
That he don't know Sir Patrick Blake; and that no Gentleman of that Name ever visited Lady Blake whilst he lived with Mr. Boscawen and her."
He was directed to withdraw.
Then Hannah Javers was called in; and being sworn and examined, acquainted the House, "That she had lived as Servant with Lady Blake for some Years: That she had the Care of the Children when they returned from Saint Kitts: That she met Lady Blake at Langham, upon her Return from Saint Kitts:
That in June 1777 Lady Blake sent for her to Tinmouth, where she went, and found her Mistress with Mr. Boscawen: That they lived together as Man and Wife: That she went with them afterwards to Sheldon:
That they lived there in the same Manner, having but One Bed Chamber: That she has seen Mr. Boscawen go into the Bed Room at Night to her Mistress, and has seen him come out of it in the Morning: That she left them in November last."
She was directed to withdraw.
Then Mark Holman, Deputy Register of the Consistory Court of the Bishop of London, was again called in; and being asked "When the Suit instituted in that Court commenced," said, "In Michaelmas Term last."
He was directed to withdraw.
Then Mr. Hargrave, Counsel for Lady Blake, acquainted the House, "That he should not give any Opposition to the Bill."
The Counsel were directed to withdraw.
Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the whole House.
Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill To-morrow.
Sir Patrick Blake's Divorce Bill.
Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intitled, "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Sir Patrick Blake Baronet, with Dame Annabella Blake his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned." The Question was put, "Whether this be approved, and it was.He needed his divorce because he wanted to marry again, as he stated.
Almost reads like a play! A sterling cast of characters.
What did he do in St Christopher's after she left? Well he did what any fine upstanding gentleman in those circumstances would do, he had an affair! Annabella obviously wasn't aware of the affair or the consequences, or she would have had an interesting side to her case!

In fact no-one seemed to know about this affair, until his will was read.
Can't you imagine all his family siting around the table in the solicitor's office when all was revealed.
But first his family
1. Annabella Blake She married Robert James Adeane of Brabraham, Cambridge.
He was the son of Gen. James Whorwood Adeane and Anne Jones) on August 26th 1785
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Brabraham Manor |
2. Henrietta Susanna Blake born 1765 and possibly the Susanna Blake who died in 1767, being baptised in St Mary's Church St Marylebone.
3. Ann Frances Blake born 1766 and she died in 1780 at the family home in Langham,
( Called Hariott in the newspaper records of the death)
4. Sir Patrick Blake as the eldest son, he inherited the title and the lands at his father's death in 1784.
He was also an officer in the 10th Dragoon Guards, and in 1785 was appointed Cornet, vice George Kerr.
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Prince of Wales |

July 1789 He goes to the races in his phaeton drawn by 6 black horses purchased from the Prince of Wales the harness was very rich and cut a splendid figure so the newspaper reports. He was often mentioned at the social events of the times.
In August 1789 he married Miss Phipps of Bury she had a fortune of 70000l.
Her father was John Phipps member for Petersborough, who also had lands in West Indies.
He was not less agreeably surprised in receiving 50000L when he married the beautiful and amiable Miss Phipps
In 1811 he had a disagreement with Sir James Crawford who said some insulting words about Sir Patrick. Mr Crawford called at the house, and Blake refused to see him, so Crawford sent an insulting letter stating he was produced by nothing but a potato and sugar cane, his father having been an Irish man and his mother the daughter of a West India Planter. The consequence was a challenge from Sir P Blake to which he received that they were by no means on equal terms as Sir Crawford was the father of a family and Sir Patrick Blake was childless!
But life for him had its ups and downs. The Slave Registers of St Kitts, show that he had 377 slaves.
In August 1816 Court of Chancery Mr Heald on the part of Messrs Daniels and so moved for the appointment of a Manager and Consignee to the estate and possessions of Sir Patrick Blake in the West Indies also of a Receiver of Sir Patrick's estates in the county of Suffolk. Much argument took place amongst the Learned Council concerned in the case, and the Lord Chancellor postponed making a judgement.
1 On Friday last the remain of Sir Patrick Blake Bart were interred in the family vault at Langham in this country - The principal tenants of the deceased rode first on horseback then followed the hearse drawn by six horses three morning coaches and four, a coach, nine gentlemen's private carriages, shut up and then the worthy Baronet's own carriage A number of persons followed in gigs on horseback and on foot, and at Great Barton the procession was joined by Sir Charles Bunbury's tenantry.
Sir Patrick is succeeded in his title and estates by his brother now Sir James Blake Bart
F In February 1823 Lady Blake died at her house in the town after a most painful and lingering illness.
They had no children. So what became of her wealth? She left her monies to her neighbour!
Greene, Benjamin Buck (1808–1902), merchant, was born at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, the eldest of seven sons and six daughters of Benjamin Greene (1780–1860) [see under Greene family], brewer, and his second wife, Catherine (1783–1855), daughter of the Revd Thomas Smith of Bedford. He was educated at Bury's King Edward VI Grammar School.
Greene's father, with William Buck, in 1806 acquired a Bury brewery and in 1823 considerably extended his business interests when he inherited an interest in St Kitts' sugar estates from his neighbour, Lady Blake, widow of Sir Patrick, a local landowner for whom he had acted as trustee and adviser. He also managed other Blake estates in the West Indies and Suffolk. Greene was dispatched to St Kitts in 1829 to care for his father's interests, introducing new methods of cultivation and processing, winning ‘the greatest reputation as a planter’ (Wilson,Greene King, 45) and, unlike many of his contemporaries, making large profits. The Greenes also owned ships carrying sugar exports.
Greene's father, with William Buck, in 1806 acquired a Bury brewery and in 1823 considerably extended his business interests when he inherited an interest in St Kitts' sugar estates from his neighbour, Lady Blake, widow of Sir Patrick, a local landowner for whom he had acted as trustee and adviser. He also managed other Blake estates in the West Indies and Suffolk. Greene was dispatched to St Kitts in 1829 to care for his father's interests, introducing new methods of cultivation and processing, winning ‘the greatest reputation as a planter’ (Wilson,Greene King, 45) and, unlike many of his contemporaries, making large profits. The Greenes also owned ships carrying sugar exports.
By good fortune Greene's neighbour across the brewery yard was a relatively impoverished, rackety, and, most significantly, childless owner of a West Indian plantation, Sir Patrick Blake, second baronet (d. 1818). Greene became one of his executors, obtained the management of his Suffolk and St Kitts estates, and on his widow's death in 1823 was left her Nicola Town plantation on the island. Greene had become a proprietor in the West Indies himself. In addition to the Blake properties he managed those of a south Norfolk landowning family (Molyneaux), and there were three more he acquired on his own account. In 1829 his eldest son, the immensely capable Benjamin Buck Greene (1808-1902) was sent out to St Kitts to run all these properties and consolidate the family's good fortune. On his return to England in 1836 he was managing and modernizing no fewer than eighteen estates (together producing one third of the island's sugar exports in the mid-1830s) and enjoying the greatest reputation as a planter.
5. James Henry Blake and Louise Gage were married February 13, 1794 in S Georges, Hanover Square, London.
They had 9 children including Henry C. Blake Bart., Patrick J. Blake RN,
Emily E. (Blake) Rogers, George H. Blake, Luisa A.( Blake) Eagle, William R. Blake, James B. Blake and
Thomas G. Blake.
He became the 3rd Bart on the death of his brother, under the terms of his father's will.
He was born in 1770. On February 13th 1794 at St George’s, Hanover Sq. he married Louisa Elizabeth Gage (born about 1766), daughter of General the Hon. Thomas Gage (of the American Civil War) and Margaret Kemble.
They lived at Great Ashfield, Suffolk and they had eight children She died at The Priory, Bury St. Edmunds on January 21st 1832 and he died there on April 21st 1832.
He became the 3rd Baronet of Langham as his elder brother had no children.
Government House

The Blakes, being absentee planters, were leasing the estate to William Derrickson Beard who had previously been their manager. There was on it a population of sixty-two slaves, fifteen of whom were too young to work and one, a man in his forties was infirm. The majority were employed as field hands and grass pickers. There were also a distiller, a carpenter, two coopers and one boiler who would have worked on the estate in crop time and might have been hired out to neighbouring estates once the canes of Diamond had been processed. There were three house servants - a house boy, a house maid and a cook. As they were not resident, the Blakes left their managers to provide for their own comfort.
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