For the early part of his military career it seemed like they lived in London.

Andrew is quoted in the Land Tax records as owning properties in Queen Street, Parish of St Margaret and St John. It cannot be determined whether these were part of his father's portfolio, or those of Jemima's.
![]() |
Now a Phone store |
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High Street St Marylebone |
That property was still listed up until 1794 and appears to be the home that Jemima and the children lived in.
Their children
Andrew Montague Isaacson Durnford b 1773 1858 Our lineage
Anthony William Durnford b 1775 - 1849
Once again the children died young. Jemima's father Anthony died in 1765 an her mother Hannah died in 1775, perhaps her mother was of assistance while Andrew was undertaking duty all over the world.
By 1783 He is in Bermuda and into a relationship with Elizabeth Lucas.
Meanwhile Jemima is in London. His lifestyle obviously had an influence over the lives of his two sons. While they may have followed him into the Military, courtesy of a bought commission, between them they had a pretty poor track record in the relationship front!
Jemima died in August 1798. and as per his will, her sister Sarah became the boy's guardians.
Jemima is buried in the Isaacson family plot in St Ann's Church Soho, along with her "beloved" mother.

Andrew died a month later in September 1798.
Their wills provide an insight into any inheritance. Andrew made two - one for his Bermuda lands, and one for his English lands. (
(Special thanks to whoever translated the will, the handwriting is very difficult to transcribe)
Andrew Durnford, Esquire WillIn the Name of God Amen. I Andrew Durnford Esquire Captain of His Majesty's Corps of Royal Engineers being of sound and disposing memory and understanding so make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say first I will and desire that all my ust debts and funeral expenses be full paid and satisfied and in testimony of my sincere regard and affection for my beloved wife Jemima Margaret Durnford I do hereby give and bequeath to her the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to answer her immediate personal expenses and I do authorize to retain the same out of whatever ready money shall be found in Land at the time of my decease or that shall first come in and arise out of my estate from/then.
I give and bequeath unto her all and singular my household goods and furniture other than and except what are known after bequeathed to my son Andrew Montagu Isaacson Durnford and also all my linen and china and all the _____ my _________ jewels rings and all such articles as are worn by her as ornaments of her person to and for her own use and benefit absolutely then I give and bequeath unto my said son Andrew Montagu Isaacson Durnford all my books and all my professional drawings plans and instruments and also my drawing table bureau boxes and other furniture belonging to my room or study and which shall be therein at the time of my decease to and for his own use and benefit absolutely then
I give and devise unto my said wife Jemima Margaret Durnford her executors and administrators all my annuity or yearly rent charge of one hundred and sixty pounds which is payable to me during the life of her sister Susannah King out of and charged and rechargeable upon certain estates situate in the County of Northumberland called __Horton Somerset__________ and Dorset and _Nesbit________? farms and all deeds bonds and instruments whereby such annuity or rent charge is secured to me to and for her and their own use and benefit absolutely then I give and bequeath unto my said dear wife the policy or policies of assurance is hereby the principal money paid by me for the purchase of the said rent charge or yearly sum of one hundred and sixty pounds is assured to me my executors administrators upon the decease of the said Susannah King by the society for equitable assurances on lives and survivorship and all sum or sums which shall or may be actived? or accured thereon or by virtue thereof and all benefit and advantage which shall arise therefrom to and for her and their own use and benefit absolutely but in as much as the provision made for my said wife in and by this my will in addition to what she is already entitled unto of her own fortune made the settlement which was made upon my marriage with her is very ample it is my will that the same be accepted and shall be __________ and taken to be in full satisfaction lieu and discharge of all ____and demands_________________________________ which she may have to dower/power? thirds of _______________ out of any part of the Real Estates which I may die/seized? of or entitled unto and as to for and contermint? all and singular my estate and effects of what nature or kind _________ not by me hereinbefore otherwise disposed of
I give devise and bequeath the same unto my two sons Andrew Montagu Isaacson Durnford and Anthony William Durnford to be divided between them in equal proportions and share and share alike and they to have as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to their respective heirs/sons? executors and administrators absolutely and forever but in case either of my said two sons shall happen to die underage and without lawful issue then and in such case I give devise and bequeath the same wholly unto the survivor of my said two sons and to his heirs executors and administrators absolutely and forever to and for his and their own use and benefit and in case both my said sons shall happen to die under _____ and without lawful issue then I give devise and bequeath the same unto my said beloved wife Jemima Margaret Durnford her heirs executors and administrators to and for her and their own use and benefit absolutely and forever and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said wife sole executrix of this my last will and testament and do give and dispose of the custody and tuition of my said two sons unto her for such time as they shall respectively continue under the age of twenty one years in case she shall so long live but if one shall happen to die leaving one or both of them underage then
I give and dispose of the custody and tuition of the one or both of them as the case shall be so until one unto my sister in law Sarah Isaacson of Southamptom spinster during his minority or their respective minorities and I do also in that event constitute and appoint the said Sarah Isaacson executrix of this my last will and testament from and immediately after the decease of my said wife and I do hereby authorize impower and direct my executrix for the time being to manage and improve the estates and fortunes intended for my said sons until they shall attain their respective ages of twenty one years and to let or set all or any part of their ___________ lands tenements or _____________ and to land and place out at subsist for their benefit upon government or real? securities all or any part of the monies belonging to or arising from the estate and effects intended for them or either of them and such securities again at pleasure to alter or change for others of the like nature and by and out of the ________________ dividends interest and produce arising from such estate and effects to pay and apply such sum or sums for or towards the maintenance support of education of my said children respectively during their respective minorities as my executrix for the time being shall in her discretion think proper and it is my will that it shall and may be lawful to and for my executrix for the time being to appropriate any part of the principal monies or interest intended for such children respectively in placing them out in any profession or employment or in advancing them or either of them in the world or? not? withstanding
they shall be at the time of such appropriation made one and in particular in case my said two sons or either of them shall be inclined to pursue a military life or to enter into his majesty's service then in case my executrix for the time being shall approve thereof I do hereby authorize and empower her out of any part of the principal money or interest to pay and apply such sum or sums as shall be requisite or necessary for that purpose in the purchase in or about procuring any such commission or commissions in the army or navy for such son or sons as she shall in her direction think proper and in case such commission or commissions shall be purchased or procured then he or they for whom the same shall be purchased and obtained shall have and be allowed out of my estate towards his or their maintenance support and education from thenceforth until he or they shall attain his age or their respective ages of twenty one years the sum of forty guineas per annum each and no more in addition to the pay which he or they will be intitled to by virtue of such commission or commissions and I do hereby direct that whatever sum or sums of money shall be applied by virtue of the authority aforesaid in or for the benefit or advancement of my said two sons respectively either in the purchase or obtaining the commission or commissions or otherwise shall be taken and deducted out of his part of share of my estate and effects for what benefit or advancement the same shall be applied and my will and desire is that every person and persons acting as executor or executrix under this my will be allowed to deduct and retain out of my estate and effects whatever sum or sums he she or they shall think necessary to expand for the advice and assistance of counsel agents or __________ and all such ______ costs charges and expenses as he she or they shall sustain or be put unto in and about the execution of this my will or any of the powers herein contained and
that no person acting under this my will shall be answerable for any loss which shall happen in the management of my estate of effects without his or her willful_________ or default respectively and lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made and I do declare this only to be and contain my last will and testament in witness whereof I the said testator Andrew Durnford have to this my last will and testament contained in three sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say to the two first sheets thereof my hand and seal the nineteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight Andrew Durnford /s/ signed sealed published declared and delivered by the said testator Andrew Durnford as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at this request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto Gilb[ert] Jones Salisbury Court Fleet Street London A M Barlow clerk to Master Fouts Ann Stirrip servant to Master Fouts.
26th January 1799
On which day appeared personally Gilbert Jones of Salisbury Square in the parish of Saint _____________________ London esquire one of the subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of Andrew Durnford major late of his majesty's corps of royal engineers deceased hereunto annexed bearing date the nineteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight and he further made oath that he was present on the day of the date of the said will at the deponents house in Salisbury Square aforesaid when the said deceased in the presence of this deponent and of Arthur Moore Barlow and Ann Stirrup did duly execute his said last will and testament contained in three sheets of paper by subscribing his name Andrew Durnford at the foot or bottom of the two first sheets of the said will and also at the end or conclusion thereof when the third and last sheet thereof and having so signed the same he placed a seal upon the wax now appearing near his name and did publish and declare the same to be his last will and testament whereupon the deponent and the said Arthur Moore Barlow and Ann Stirrup in the presence and at the request of the said deceased and in the presence of each other respectively set and subscribed their names as witnesses thereto in _____________ form as there over _________ appears and the deponent now __________ the names Gilbt [Gilbert] Fouts appearing subscribed thereto as a witness he sayeth that such names are of his own proper hand writing and subscription and the deponent also saith that the said deceased at and during all and singular the circumstances before mentioned appears to be and was as that deponent verily and in his constant believes of sound mind memory and understanding and well _____ and understood what he say'd and ______ was capable of making and executing his will or of doing any other serious or rational act of that or the like stature Gilbt Fouts same say the said Gilbert Fouts esquire is as only sworn to the truth of this affidavit before me J. Fisher Surr present __ Andrew ___ pub
On the twenty eighth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine administration with the will annexed of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Andrew Durnford late of the Island of Bermuda and a major in his majesty's corps of royal engineers esquire deceased was granted to Andrew William Durnford Esquire the son of the said deceased and one of the residuary legatees named in the said will having been first sworn duly to administer Jemima Margaret Durnford widow of the _______ of the said deceased and the sole executrix named in the said will dying in the lifetime of the said deceased and the said Anthony William Durnford and Andrew Montagu Isaacson Durnford the sons of the said deceased and the residuary legatees named therein named having respectively attained the age of twenty one years.
Comments on the Will:
In the will, Andrew assumes that Jemima will be the heir of her father's estates in Fenton and Jarrow, and that he will be paid a sum by her sister. He leaves her the contents of her house, and he authorises the purchase of a commission for his sons to enter the Military.
However, there is a marriage bond, 28 June 1771,between Jemima and Andrew, and in her will, she describes its date and mentions that it contains directions regarding the manor, mill, village township, lands and describes the county of Northumberland. and that the trust is to pay to Jemima solely any profits an that Andrew was not to intermeddle and nor would the same be responsible for the payment of any debts of his.
They both had the same solicitors, who were also the same solicitors who drew up the Marriage Bond.
She left her estate between both sons, as did he. However, the dispute over the will of the lands in Fenton, was not finalised until quite some time after her death, and there was no inheritance!
Probably a bit of a blow to the two boys!
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