At this point the stories are about Hannah King's sons, and the finding of another remarkable story.
Firstly Captain Anthony Isaacson
Resarching for Hannah Isaacson's brother Anthony Isaacson, has taken almost forever.
Initially information from the records from Newcastle gave his details as being a Captain and the son of our Anthony, and marrying twice.
However, a long way into the searching, I couldn't work out how he could have remarried and his son's birth certificate showing his first wife as his mother!
Do you have any idea just how many Anthony Isaacsons' there are??
Captain Anthony Isaacson is the son of John Isaacson, the uncle of our current Anthony Isaacson who married Hannah Lawson.
The story is very interesting, and we visited Brecon and the Military Museum
Captain Anthony Harvest Isaacson was the son of Captain
Anthony Isaacson, and grandson of John Isaacson, Esq., recorder of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Anthony Isaacson was a captain in the 41st Foot, and subsequently in the Royal
Veteran or Invalid Battalion for a period of some 40 years, between 1745 and
He was one of the committee of officers selected by the Government of the day and sent over to Prussia to view and report on the system of Infantry drill which had been brought to such a state of perfection by Frederick the Great, the author and inventor of marching in step, which is the basis of all precision of movement on parade, and of what soldiers understand by the term '* drill."
Captain Isaacson was Deputy Lieutenant-Governor of Elizabeth Castle, St. Helier, Jersey, when that Island was invaded by the French in 1781.
His son, the above mentioned Anthony Harvest Isaacson, entered the 34th Regiment in March, 1783, and subsequently on the 25th September, 1787, exchanged into the 2nd (Queen's) Regiment,
He joined the 41st on the 24th December, 1787, and remained in it till the month of February, 1792, when he was appointed Adjutant of the Brecknock Militia. In 1798 he became captain by brevet in his regiment. _ He was also the adjutant of the Monmouth and Brecon Militia till the 27th August, 1802, when he went on half pay.
W hen the Monmouth was consolidated with the Brecon and
embodied in 1803, he became Lieut, and Quarter- Master but resigned the
appointment and went on half pay 24th October, 1805. Un the 24th September 1808
he was appointed Adjutant of the West Monmouth Local Militia, and so remained
until that force was " suspended" by the Act of 1816.

Egerton Charles Harvest Isaacson was the second son of Captain A. H. Isaacson and brother of the above A.A.Isaacson, He was appointed Ensign in the Monmouth and Brecon on the 25th
June, 1812, and remained in it till appointed ensign in the 51th Kegiment on the 31st December, 1812, where he served till the 24:th June, 1819, a period of six years and 176 days
. He then went on half pay till 25th June, 1820, a period of
one year, when he joined the 47th Foot, and served in that Eegiment till the
Cth July, 1823, a period of three years and 12 days, and was then appointed
Captain and Adjutant of the Brecknock Militia, in which post he remained till
the 7th
February, 1846, being a period of 22 years and 40 days and a total of 33 years and 221 days Army and Militia service,
February, 1846, being a period of 22 years and 40 days and a total of 33 years and 221 days Army and Militia service,
This officer served
in the 51st Regiment in the battles of the Pyrenees, Nivelle, the Nive, the
attack on the heights of St, Pe, the passage of the Biddasoa and the battle of
Orthes ; also in the campaign
of 1815, when he was present at the battle of Waterloo (where the 51st Eegiment was in rear of the celebrated Hougomont Farm), the capture of Cambrai and capitulation of Paris, and in the
army of occupation. He afterwards served in India and Australia with the 47tk Foot. He received for his services the Peninsula medal with several clasps and the Waterloo medal.
The total Army service and service in the Monmouth and Brecon Militia of the Isaacson family amounts to a period of more than 120 years, and their connection with Monmouth and Brecon
from 1792 to 1846 a period of 54 years.
Mrs. Isaacson, wife of the above Captain Anthony Harvest Isaacson, Adjutant of the Monmouth and Brecon, and authoress of the interesting diary which is the foundation of the history of the Regiment from 1793 to 1801, was before her marriage Miss Eliza Jane Egerton Leigh, daughter of the Reverend Egerton Leigh, rector of Murston, near Sittingbourne, in Kent, son of the Reverend Thomas Leigh, who had been rector before him, and also of St. Margaret's, Canterbury, and grandson of the Reverend Peter Leigh, rector of Whitchurch, in Shropshire, and of West
Hall, High Leigh, Cheshire.
of 1815, when he was present at the battle of Waterloo (where the 51st Eegiment was in rear of the celebrated Hougomont Farm), the capture of Cambrai and capitulation of Paris, and in the
army of occupation. He afterwards served in India and Australia with the 47tk Foot. He received for his services the Peninsula medal with several clasps and the Waterloo medal.
The total Army service and service in the Monmouth and Brecon Militia of the Isaacson family amounts to a period of more than 120 years, and their connection with Monmouth and Brecon
from 1792 to 1846 a period of 54 years.
Mrs. Isaacson, wife of the above Captain Anthony Harvest Isaacson, Adjutant of the Monmouth and Brecon, and authoress of the interesting diary which is the foundation of the history of the Regiment from 1793 to 1801, was before her marriage Miss Eliza Jane Egerton Leigh, daughter of the Reverend Egerton Leigh, rector of Murston, near Sittingbourne, in Kent, son of the Reverend Thomas Leigh, who had been rector before him, and also of St. Margaret's, Canterbury, and grandson of the Reverend Peter Leigh, rector of Whitchurch, in Shropshire, and of West
Hall, High Leigh, Cheshire.
Mrs. Isaacson's paternal great grandmother was Elizabeth,
daughter of the Honourable Thomas
Egerton, of Tatton, Cheshire, third son of John, Earl of Bridge water, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke of Newcastle, and she was also through her mother nearly related to the Scudamore family, and through them to the then late Duchesses of Norfolk and Beaufort. Mrs. Isaacson therefore had had the advantage of moving in good society, which explains how it was that she came to be on intimate terms with the persons of high station mentioned in her diary.
Egerton, of Tatton, Cheshire, third son of John, Earl of Bridge water, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke of Newcastle, and she was also through her mother nearly related to the Scudamore family, and through them to the then late Duchesses of Norfolk and Beaufort. Mrs. Isaacson therefore had had the advantage of moving in good society, which explains how it was that she came to be on intimate terms with the persons of high station mentioned in her diary.
The following extracts are taken from the memoranda
and memoirs of Mrs. Isaacson, wife of Captain Anthony
H. Isaacon, adjutant of the Regiment from 1792 to 1802. Mrs.
Isaacson was before her marriage a Miss Leigh and a member of
the ancient and noble family of Leigh-Egerton and Scudamore,
and from her family connections was thrown amongst the
persons of position mentioned by her in her narrative. The entire
memoir is dated in January, 1829. It comprehends her life
and reminiscences from her sixth year, and is addressed to her
After describing her early life and many
interesting circumstances connected with the society in which she moved, her
first acquaintance and her subsequent marriage with Captain
Isaacson, on the
2l8t September, 1792, she says:
" On this day I left dear Southampton for
Brecon, South M^ales. ** * * . * * * *
On our arrival the bells rang merrily for the Captain and
his bride."
Descriptions follow of the country and the weather,
with regrets at being obliged to live in a place so distant from
Kent, the home of her childhood. She goes on to say : — " Our
lodgings were op-
posite the Market Place, where the "Welsh
people meet, the women dressed in cloth gowns and men in light blue coats
with buttons as large as saucers. A scene like this I never saw
before, and talking
Welsh made such a noise. Then came donkeys in
numbers loaded with coals and poor miserable souls driving
them." Further on she writes . — " t'n the rumour of war my
heart beat with joy in
hopes that the Regiment would be called out, and
ihe 12th January, 1793, they were embodied."
Details of the organisation seem to have
disappeared, but it is on record that his Grace the oth Duke of
Beaufort became
Colonel of the Monmouth and Brecon on the 1st
February, 1793.
Mrs. Isaacson goes on to say : — " The Town
then appeared more lively and the Captain found full employ
whilst I looked out of a window against a stone wall. The Marquis of
coming to take command, I was honoured twice with
his company to supper. To my great joy the Regiment Wft?
ordered to Kewbury in Berkshire.
1^93. On the 4th of March, 1793, I took my final
leave of Brecon and arrived with my servaut in a chaise at
Abergavenny in time for dinner.
On the 5th I began my journey to Monmoutlh,
dragging uphill and down dale, until I reached the Beaufort Arms, where
we stayed two nights. On my rising the first morning after my
arrival I thought the view of Chippenham beautiful and Monmouth seemed
cheerful. I saw everything here with delight. On the 7th the
Regiment continued its route and marched into the small but pleasant
little town of Newnham. After a tedious ride up hill and down,
over dreadful roads, I arrived in good time to join the party for
On the 8th we crossed the Severn, much to my
delight. Now, thought I, we are near at home. We had a bitter
cold ride over the downs of Tetbury. Captain G Wynne, of the Regiment, found
the cold so severe that he asked that I would take
him in my chaise. I could not refuse him. As soon as he was
seated, turning to me, he said, " Will you have a little
brandy, madam V " No, I
thank you, Sir." '• Then I will," said
he, and put the bottle to his mouth. We arrived at Tetbury in good time for
dinner and I may say with a good appetite for it.
On the 9th of March we left Tetbury on our route
through Malmesbury to- Chippenham, a very neat,
healthy-looking place, with most beautiful roads and fertile country.
There Captain Gwynne insisted on playing the drum after dinner,
to the great annoyance of the corps. They took him into another
room, where he and others played in concert till late at
On the 10th our next day's march was to Devizes, a
severe cold place, being nearly surrounded by Salisbury
Plain and Marlborough Downs.
On the 11th, from Devizes, we continued our route
to Marlborough, making our headquarters at the Castle Inn,
a most spacious building and everything being in good style. I
believe it belonged to the noble Duke of Marlborough. The
gardens are much worth notice, in particular the mounts. The
weather being cold and myself more ready for a dinner than a walk
I did not see much of them. The master of this house, thinking
the Duke of Beaufort was with his Regiment, set out a most
beautiful set of china and plate for the dinner, but on learning his
Grace was not present, ordered all this finery to be set aside
and other very handsome, but more common, put in its stead.
On the 12th, about 2 o'clock, I overtook the Regiment on its march to Hungerford, and well I might, though it
had started early, for I had a pair of blood horses with a knowing
driver that took
me at the rate of over 10 miles an hour. It was
useless to speak ;he could not obey, for the creatures were not to be
However, I arrived safe at the dirty little town of
Hungerford in good time and not quite frightened to death.
On the 13th my next and last day's journey was to
Newbury and Speenhamland in the county of Berks, where the
Monmouth and Brecon Eegiment met, commanded by his Grace the
Duke of
Beaufort, the Earl of Abergavenny and the Marquis
of Worcester, and there were about 20 more most respectable
officers, none more so than my own dear Captain.
1793. Finding ourselves not more than 40 miles from
the Captain got leave of absence for one month. Our
stay at
Newbury was not long. The Kegiment soon after my
return re-
ceived their route to march into Wells,
Somersetshire, where they
remained some months receiving the greatest
civility from the in-
habitants of Wells, more particularly the Clergy of
the Cathedral
and the family of the Honorable Mr. Austruther,
whose concerts
were delightful. Our being introduced by the Earl
of Abergavenny
was to us a great advantage."
Mrs. Isaacson, after some domestic recollections,
among them
the birth of her eldest son, Anthony Allett,
afterwards an officer
in the Regiment, and regrets at leaving Wells,
continues : — " On
1794. the — day of May, 1794, the Regiment received
its route for
encampment on Roborough Downs, seven miles from
I did not go with them, but returned to
Southampton, there to
leave my Itttle nursery under the care of his
Grandmama and my
good Aunt, whilst I went campaigning. A friend
going to Exeter
took me in his carriage, where I was met by the
Captain and imme-
diately set off for Roborough. We arrived just in
time for him
to change his dress and mount his charger. It being
the King's
Birthday all the Regiments were under arms, bands
playing and
colours flying. At one o'clock the Royal salute was
fired by five
thousand men. When all was over I returned to my
lodgings, a
very short distance from the camp, to dress, as we
were to dine
with the General (Morrice) and his family. There I
met my old
acquaintance Captain Skinner, who was Brigade Major
to the
General and brother to Lady Nugent, with whom I was
very inti-
mate. Also Mrs. Wynot, my old schoolfellow, both
me at the same time. Her husband was Major in the
then in camp on the same ground with us, together
with the South
Devon, West York and Northampton. Being accustomed
to take
my ride on a little grey, we one morning joined a
large party of
our corps going to Plymouth, when our old friend,
Mr. Wright,
whose horse was frightened at the noise of the
cannon from the
forts, was thrown. into a ditch, to the great
amusement, I am sorry
to say, of all the party. I spent my time very
pleasantly here and
was very glad to find winter coming on.
In the month of October the route came to proceed
to Honiton
in Devonshire. On the third November the Regiment
marched to
Modbury. I began my journey in a chaise from the
Modbury is a very old town situated on a hill, so
steep that seldom
a carriage ventured to the top.
On the 4th, from hence we proceeded to Newton
where the Regiment halted for one day. There I
remember, it
being the 5th of November, the boys were busy
firing off squibs,
to the great danger of the town, the market place
having hundreds
of pounds of cartridge powder belonging to the
Regimental store
there. From this place I was persuaded to take a
journey of
about five miles to view the Channel fleets,
consisting of more than
a hundred sail riding in Tor Bay. We were within a
short dis-
tance when the Captain sai<l, " I shall be
too late for parade," and
we returned home. I must ovvn I was greatly
disappointed. Lord
and Lady Worcester continuing their ride with many
of our corps.
On November 6th we began our March to Totnes, a
small town
1794. seated near the River Dart.
On the 7th we continued our route through Ashburton
and Chud-
leigh to Exeter, when I found myself heartily tired
of riding a post
chaise and on leaving Exeter the next morning (the
8 th) for Honi-
ton, the last 18 miles I rode my little grey in
company with my
Captain and others of the corps. We arrived at
Honiton in time
to dress for dinner and truly happy our march was
We soon got a pleasant lodging opposite
headquarters at Mr.
Aberdeen's, the famous lace manufacturer, where I
was shewn the
lace veil and scarf made by Mr. Aberdeen as a
present to the
Princess of Wales and which cost him 700 guineas.
In Honiton
we found a few acquaintances who were polite to us
during our
stay. It was not long, the Earl of Abergavenny, our
Colonel, giving the Captain leave of absence for
the winter."
After mentioning the loss of her mother-in-law
(Mrs. Isaacson,
senior) at Southampton, Mrs. Isaacson continues : —
"The month of
1795. April, 1795, I took my leave of my
father-in-law (Captain
Isaacson), and returned with my babe to Honiton. In
May, 1795,
the Regiment had orders to encamp in the same
ground as before.
As soon as my little hut was ready I left Honiton,
taking my child
Anthony and the servant and went to the prettiest
cottage I ever
saw. We had constant amusement, and being near the
could see everyone, but no one us. The view from my
was beautiful. I could see Hamoaze and the ships
riding in the
Sound, and could hear every gun from the batteries
at Plymouth.
The evening gun at our Camp was opposite my little
paradise. I
never started when it was fired at sunset as many
others would
have done ; in fact I was afc last a complete
soldier's wife. Every-
thing was convenient, everything pleased me. I
thought it no
hardship to rise early, or late take rest. Indeed I
never spent a
more happy time than when I was with the Regiment.
We had elegant bails in the Monmouth Reading Room,
Lord and Lady Worcester attended. I went with the
lady and her niece. Miss Urquhart. In September,
the weather
now getting cold for camp, I took my Anthony and
servant to
Plymouth Dock, now called Devonport, where we
remained until
the Regiment moved into winter quarters. They were
in Novem-
ber ordered to Devizes, in Wiltshire, a miserably
cold place. Here
we experienced great civility from some few
families. Lady Aber-
gavenny being with us, took me to a ball which was
given to the
officers of the regiment. She sent me in her
carriage both there
and home. Our stay was short in Devizes, as Lord
did not like the situation for his Lady, and the
Regiment was re-
moved to Lymington in Hampshire, where I soon
followed with
my little family. We had good lodgings here and a
little town it is. We had many troops near — Welsh,
French, Scotch and a Hulan Regiment, composed of
all nations,
people and languages,
1796. On the 1st March, 1796, commonly called by
the Welsh, Taflfy's
Day, there was a riot between these " Tower of
Babel " regiments
and languages, neither understanding each other.
The oiScers of
the respective Eegiments were called to their corps
to suppress this
1796. unpleasant business. The Scotch fell on the
Welsh and the French
were very violent, and our guard marching down
Street they followed them. The French adjutant
reported that
Lieutenant Kawlings, of the Monmouth, had pushed
him uncivilly
in the crowd ; and in consequence a duel was
expected. The
French officer calling out Lieutenant Eawlings he
declared that he
did not push Monsieur the French Adjutant, but was
ready to
meet him for all that. My Captain, who is all
goodness, accom-
panied Lieutenant Rawlings to the spot. There
explanations took
place, when Monsieur shook hands with Lieutenant
Eawlings, to
the great joy of all our Regiment, and thus the
business ended .
In Lymington I met with Lady Oxford, my young
and her mother, Mrs. Scott, of Southampton. Their
stay was
short. Lady Oxford going to London for the winter.
My good
Lady Abergavenny did not lessen her kindness to
me.- I drank
tea with her very often and called on her in the
mornings, when
she was well enough to see me. She was in a deep
decline, but so
fond of dancing that she used to have the band of
the Regiment to
make up a dance, if only a few couple were present.
I remember
one evening at Christmas her having the band. There
stood six
couples. Captain Gwynne, of whom I have spoken,
wished to
dance. There was no partner for him ; ladies were
scarce. To
the great amusement of the company. Lord
Abergavenny made
his bow, danced the dance with his partner. Miss
Fanny Gwynne,
and then with her brother. This gentleman is a
native of South
Wales and lives at Neath in Glamorganshire. He was
very kind
to the poor soldiers and their families, and on a
march would pro-
vide them a dinner at his own expense. He was much
liked by
the officers and as much laughed at. I must now
continue my story of
Lady Abergavenny, who asked me if I should like to
see her lord's
picture. 1 was happy to say yes, when she took me
to her room
and rang the bell. " Maria, shew Mrs Isaacson
my lord's picture."
" Madam, it is packed up ! " *' Never
mind that, unpack it."
Maria did not much like this, but, however, she
unpacked the
picture and most elegant it is, being set round
with diamonds
transparent, turning on a diamond swivel, so that
the picture was
always to be seen. At last I was obliged to part
with my good
friend Lady Abergavenny, as she found herself well
enough to un-
dertake her journey. She drove past my door a
little way, then
stopped and sent her servant to say she desired her
kind love to
me. I now found this lady far gone. Her weak frame
stand no longer. She arrived at Clifton after a
tedious journey of
many days and did not long survive. In the bloom of
life, in the
possession of an immense fortune, with a family of
six children,
she left her Lord to deplore her loss. She looked
not for admira-
tion Qer delight was to please. May your fate never
be like
May, 1796. Wishing to »ee my sister, she came on a
during our stay in Lymington, She was highly
delighted with
the cheerful appearance of this sweet place and as
my sister was a
very sensible and, may I say, pretty young woman,
you may be sure
we were well attended by the officers of our corps,
and I believe
she almost lost her heart and was truly sorry we
must «oon leave
1796 The route for the Regiment having come to
encamp on Basham
Downs near Canterbury, my sister, self and children
took our leave
of this place and I returned with her to Chertscy,
where I re-
mained until the Captain came for me ; when I sent
your brother
Egertou out to nurse. (ThisAvas the second son,
Egertcn Charles
Harvest Isaacson. He was afterwards an officer in
the regiment
and served with distinction in the 51st Regiment in
the Peninsula
and at Waterloo ; also in the 47th Regiment, till
appointed Adju-
tant of the Brecon Militia in 1820. See appendix
Mrs. Isaacon relates an adventure with a highwayman
on the way,
and goes on to speak of her revisiting Murston, a
family living where
she had passed her earliest years, as her father,
the Reverend Eger-
ton Leigh, and her grandfather, the Rev. Thomas
Leigh, had both
been Rectors of that parish, which is near
Sittingbourne in Kent,
and continues : " We arrived at Basham at the
time appointed by
the Duke. I never passed so miserable a summer in
ray life.
About the latter end of October the Regiment
received their
route for winter quarters. Lewes in Sussex was our
My heart now beat with joy to think I had once more
a chance of
visiting my native home. On my arrival at the top
of the hill, I
bade the driver stop and asked him several
questions with regard
to the present Rector of Murston. I could not drive
thiough the
grounds, for I had no excuse to make, but knowing I
should re-
main in Sittingbourne till the next day I contented
myself with
exploring that well-known place to me, one quarter
of a mile only
from Murston Parsonage. I arrived at the •' Rose
Inn " before the
Regiment and again looked about me to see if I
could remember
the face of an old acquaintance, and I .called on
two of my
mother's most intimate friends.
Returning to the Inn, his Grace the late Duke of
asked me to dinner. I accepted his invitation. In
the evening all
the officers excepting his Grace and my Captain
went to the play.
I much wished to go, but as he did not, I could
The next morning the Regiment continued its route
to Maid-
stone and as it was gone I took my child and
servant, and though
it rained, began my walk to Murston
After describing her rather sad visit, Mrs.
Isaacson continues :
" When the chaise was ready, I continued my
journey to Maid-
stone and arrived in time to dine with his Grace
the Duke and the
gentlemen of the Regiment. The next morning at 12
o'clock a
man was put in the pillory for thieving. His Grace
called me
into his balcony that I might see the better. I
must confess it
was not a sight for a lady. However he seemed much
and, I suppose, thought me the same. In the evening
it was
reported that Lieut-Colonel Montreseur was lying
dead in Maid-
stone jail. I felt much grieved. My father had been
acquainted with him. He having a place abroad, I
believe Sur-
veyor of the roads and some works in America, had
spent £20,000
more than the Government allowed, the claim for
which for many
years lay dormant, nor did he think it would ever
be called for
again, as it was not expended on his own account,
but on those
works I have now mentioned. It was said he died of
fever, but, a»
1796. my good mother used to say, a leaden one, for
he shot himself on
the day I now mentioned. I will not say I am
correct as to the
crime, but such was the report.
From Maidstone we continued our route to Tunbridge
and Tun-
bridge Wells. Knowing these places I went on to the
Wells and
was there much amused looking at the ware for which
they are so
famous. I sat down in a toy shop and bought little
Anthony a
gun. Talking with the woman, " Madam,"
said she, "Does the
regiment stop here to-night ] I hope not. Soldiers,
indeed ! We
don't want their company," " No,"
said I, " but they are your
guards." " That may be," said she,
" but we want people of for-
tune." " Well, don't abuse the
military," said I, " for I belong to
them, and here they come ; do you not hear the band
f " Oh yes,
Madam, very prttty, and how long will you stay here
madam ?"
" Not long, so good morning to you."
The next day we went to Cuckfield and on to Lewes
in Sussex,
where I soon got lodgings by no means expensive, in
very good
society, with persons of family and fortune. There
was a grand
ball given by the Earl of Abergavenny in Lewes
barracks, to the
principal inhabitants of Lewes and the officers of
the regiment. I
think it was in compliment to the three celebrated
Miss Thrales, of
Brighton, the first ladies I ever saw with their
bosoms — I won't vsay
what. They were very handsome young women, their
hair dressed
very close, not a curl to be seen. Mr. Shelby and
all the most
fashionable families in and near Lewes were
present. My good
friend Mrs. Comber sent me with her daughter Fanny
in their
carriage. The supper was elegant, the band
excellent, and dancing
kept up till a late hour. You may be well assured I
was one of the
party, as I loved dancing to my heart. There were
four rooms
open, one for tea, one for cards, one for dancing
and one for
1797. The regiment remained here till June, 1797,
when it was
ordered to Brighton, a distance of eight miles. Our
stay in this
place was during the summer, when I had an
opportunity of seeing
the Prince of Wales. Before I was accustomed to his
I was one day returning from the Steine Parade,
when a fine hand-
some young man passed me by on the kerbstone of the
and gently bowed. I could not imagine who this
could be. Upon
enquiring I found I had passed the Prince. Conceive
my confusion
when I recollected what I had done. This taught me
to keep my
eyes upon those I was likely to meet in such a
place as Brighton,
which at that time was filled with nobility. A ball
being given to
the Prince, Lady Worcester (now the Duchess of
Beaufort) sent us
tickets. I wished not to accept, as, being a
stranger, I could make
no party, and also I thought it would bring on mc
for one night
only on such an occasion, a heavy expense I did not
wish to incur ;
but I had to go. I had constant amusement walking
on the
Steine, and hearing the bands every morning and
evening on the
parade. Walking by the seaside with my dear little
Anthony was
sufficient for me.
The Kegiment with four others having been reviewed
by the
Prijice on one occasion, wpre on their rpturn home,
when, to their
1797 astonishment, a waterspout burst over them,
They were com-
pletely wet through. All their finery was nearly
spoilt. Many an
officer had to buy a new coat, as their's were
really turned purple,
What became of those who went to see the review I
cannot say,
but they must have been wet to the skin, it was
supposed that,
as it was looking like rain at the time, the cannon
firing broke the
cloud. This place was very expensive to us, it
being during the
season, but soldiers must go where they are
I must say the Regiment during their stay here did
once behave
very unlike themselves. On the mutiny at the Nore,
when the
sailors were all in riot, our men caught this
alarming complaint and
would not allow their bread or meat to be found
them. The money
they would have and buy for themselves. Sir William
an old officer, and the General of the district,
soon taught them
better behaviour. After 15 of them had felt the
smart of the lash
ordered by a court-martial the rest soon conducted
themselves in a
soldier-like order.
I was not sorry to find about the end of October,
1797, that the
Regiment was or<lered to Eastbourne, one day's
march. In the
evening of that day I arrived with my little boy
and servants,"
Mrs. Isaacson then describes the hospitality which
she received
from many of the principal inhabitants of
Eastbourne and goes on
to say ; •' Considering the few families that
reside in Eastbourne we
had a very good ball at Christmas. I first dined
with Lord Aber-
gavenny and the gentlemen of our corps and then
retired home to
dress. I accompanied Mrs. Lushington and her sister
Mrs. Gilbert
to the rooms, and to the great delight of these my
friends I danced
the whole of the evening.
During our stay here we were much noticed by Lord
and Lady
Worcester, often taking tea and supper wich them at
their beautiful
residence near Eastbourne, the elegant seat of Lord
Cavendish, in the grounds of which the Regiment
used to hold
their field days.
I remember hearing my Captain one morning say that
as the
orderly sergeant wan standing a little way from the
Regiment he
was suddenly alarmed by a hive of bees from the
garden of Lord
George's mansion being attracted by the band or the
playing, when they left Jtheir hive and settled on
the soldier's arm,
which became so loaded that props were obliged to
be brought for
V his assistance. He never spoke nor moved and not
a bee stung
him. The gardener, being sent for, brought a hive
and the man
was soon relieved from his distressing situation.
The Regiment was one night seriously alarmed at the
firing of a
cannon, and fearing the French were not far off
were soon under
arms. They were commanded by Lieut-Colonel the Earl
of Aber-
gavenny, I was up most part of the night waiting
the result, as
the Regiment was privately given to understand that
was to be the alarm post in case of invasion. On my
returning to
rest I actually went to sleep in my bonnet. A ship
in distress
was the cause of this-confusion. Two only of the
crew were lost ;
the rest got safe into Hastings Bay. The next
morning several of
our men swam out to get what they could from the
wreck, in saving
which they thought to claim salvage.
I was sorry to quit Eastbourne, where I had rec
eived so great
civility. From this place the regiment was ordered
to Worthing.
I took my leave of Mrs. Lushington and her sister,
Mrs. Gilbert,
and proceeded to visit my mother and sister at
Chertsey, thinking
it more prudent than to remain in such an expensive
place as
Worthing in the season. After being at Chertsey
some time the
nurse brought my little Egerton home. Of all the
little beauties I
ever saw he far surpassed them.
In the month of November, 1797, I left Chertsey for
We arrived safe at Worthing after a most tedious
journey, almost
starved with cold and hunger. There we got lodgings
cheaply for
the winter, the fine folks being gone, and many
civilities we received
from Sir Samuel and Lady Fludyer, who lived next
door to us. At
Worthing the Princess Amelia remained for some
time, for which
reason the Kegiment was sent, as also a frigate in
the channel, as her
guard on this coast. I cannot say I liked Worthing.
It was
miserably cold and dull, far from Church, and hardly
anyone left to
speak to when Sir Samuel and Lady Fludyer were
Residing near me was Lady Firly Long, who was in
for the benefit of her health. She was very polite
to me, and took
me and my little Anthony in her coach and four to
the review of the
regiments on Highdown Hill.
Here I must relate the circumstance of Sir Francis
Baring's son
and his friend Mr. Dalton. Being on an excursion
round the coast
they came to Worthing late at night. They were
strangers to the
persons who kept the inn and were questioned by the
officer of ©ur corps as to their names, etc., to
which they would not
answer. A guard was immediately set on their
apartment and
seals on their luggage. Still persisting in not
giving their names,
they were next morning conveyed in a chaise guarded
by an officer
(Lieut. Brown) to Brighton, there to be examined by
Lord Charles
Somerset, the General of that district. You may
easily conceive
the surprise of Lord Charles when he recognised the
son of Sir
Francis Baring and his friend Mr. Dalton. 1 should
have thought
the gentlemen must have felt themselves not a
little hurt and
uncomfortable in carrying their joke so far to be
thus treated. It
was reported that such was their delight (the
Princess being at
Worthing) to frighten the people.
1798. In June, 1798, the regiment received their
route for Bristol, and
every prospect of peace appearing, we thought we
were on the way
home. This was not the case, as thoir stay in
Bristol was three
years. His Grace the Duke of Beaufort gave his
officers a sump-
tuous dinner at his house (Stoke, near Bristol)
served on plate
most magnificent. Her Grace, with many of her noble
family, sat
at table. Sir Samuel and Lady Fludyer were in
Bristol during our
stay there. Lady Fludyer was exceedingly kind to
me, took me to
the play in her carriage and brought me home. I
once met Lord
and Lady Carberry at Sir Samuel's. Lady Carberry is
a most beau-
tiful woman. Lord Carberry invited our officers to
dine with him,
sailing down the Bristol river and partaking of a
most elegant
entertainment at Possett Point. Your father did not
seem inclined
to join the party ; however he went, and I have
heard it said he
was 60 very gay as to return with one foot on one
boat, the other
on another. This I can never believe ; perhaps the
reporter saw double, and if I were to guess the man it was Major
1799. From this point Mrs. Isaacson's diary is
devoted to family matters which do not concern the regiment.
The strength was shortly afterwards i educed, from
an average of 800 of all ranks to about 400, and as Captain
Isaacson was in poor health he was a good deal away, his duties
being carried on
by Mr, William Browne, the quarter-master.
At this period the Regiment consisted of eleven
companies, of which one was commanded by the Colonel, one by the
Lieutenant- Colonel, one by the Major, and the other eight by
Captains. There
would be, if the numbers were complete, thirteen
lieutenants, that is one to each company, with a second to each flank
company, and nine ensigns, The staff officers were the adjutant,
the quarter-
master and the surgeon. There were fifty sergeants,
including staflF, twenty-four drummers, and seven hundred and
thirty rank and file, making a total of 823 of all ranks.
Of the officers who served during this embodiment,
probably no complete list can now be made, but the following
names have come down : —
There is in the Priory Church at Brecon, a tablet
to the memory of Edward Williams, Esq., who once commanded
the Brecon Militia, and who died in 1799.
In 1791 his Grace the Duke of Beaufort was colonel,
the Earl of Abergavenny was lieutenant-colonel, and the
Marquis of Worcester was major. This was Henry, the fifth Duke
of Beaufort,
who died on the 11th October, 1803. The Duchess was
Elizabeth, daughter of the celebrated Admiral the Honble.
Edward Boscawen.The Marquis of Worcester referred to was afterwards
the sixth
duke and died 23rd November, 1835. The Earl of
Abergavenny was the seconi earl.
Among the captains were the following :
Among the captains were the following :
Richard Morgan, Jacob Eudhall (there are many
monuments in Koss Church, Herefordshire, to this family) ;
Mathew Gwynn, Thomas Jones and Sir Samuel Fludyer, whose first
was in 1784. It may be noted that previously to
1793 the regiment was called the Brecon and Monmouthshire.
In 1794 Lieutenant John Pearce and Surgeon William Price
joined. In
1796 Captain Thomas Watkins Davis and Lieutenant
William Ificbolsos.
These extracts are from the archives. (Spelling remains)
Hannah and William King's sons
Admiral Sir Edward Durnford King KCH (1771 – 14 January 1862) was a Royal Navy officer. After taking part in the Glorious First of June he saw action at the blockade of Cadiz before going on to be Commander-in-Chief, Cape of Good Hope and Brazil in 1840 and then Commander-in-Chief, The Nore in 1845.
Durnford King joined the Royal Navy in 1786. He took part in the action of the Glorious First of June in 1794 and, having become a lieutenant on HMS Dryad, took part in the capture of the French ship Prosperpine in 1796.Promoted to acting Captain in 1800, he commanded HMS Leviathan and, following his promotion to full Captain, he transferred to HMS Andromeda.
In 1805 he was given command of HMS Endymion and took part in the blockade of Cadiz. He later commanded HMS Monmouth at the capture of Tharangambadi (Tranquebar) in India and was knighted in 1833.
He was appointed Commander-in-Chief, Cape of Good Hope and Brazil in 1840 and Commander-in-Chief, The Nore in 1845.
There are numerous mentions of Rear Admiral Sir Edward King,
British warships stationed on the coast of Brazil played a secondary role in the suppression of the Brazilian slave trade during the period after 1839, as they had done throughout the eighteen thirties. When at the end of 1839 the navy' s anti-slave trade powers were first extended the bulk of the squadron on the east coast of the South American station (which was for a brief period 1840 -1 combined with the Cape station under Rear Admiral Sir Edward King.
As early as August 1841 Rear Admiral Sir Edward King had recommended that the navy concentrate all its efforts on the west African coast (King to Admiralty 7 Aug 1841)
Whilst in the Royal Navy he commanded the following ships:
HMS Leviathan
HMS Andromeda HMS Endymion HMS Monmouth Ranks held: Cape of Good Hope and Brazil Nore Command
Involved in the following Battles and Wars:
French Revolutionary Wars
Napoleonic Wars
And was awarded:
Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order

The Royal Guelphic Order (German: Guelphen-Orden), sometimes also referred to as the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, is a Hanoverian order of chivalry instituted on 28 April 1815 by the Prince Regent (later George IV).[1] It has not been conferred by the British Crown since the death of King William IV in 1837, when the personal union of the United Kingdom and Hanover ended. It continued to be conferred by the Kingdom of Hanover as an independent state and subsequently, after the defeat and forced dissolution of the Kingdom of Hanover by the Kingdom of Prussia, the order continued as a house order to be awarded by the Royal House of Hanover. Today, its current chancellor is the Hanoverian head of the house, Ernst August, Prince of Hanover. The honour is named after the House of Guelph to which the Hanoverian kings belonged, and its insignia were based on the white horse of that kingdom's arms. In the United Kingdom it has always been regarded as a foreign order, and even before 1837 members of the order were not entitled to style themselves as "Sir" unless they were also created Knights Bachelor as many were.
Captain Edward Durnford King commissioned Monmouth again in March 1807. Rear-Admiral William O'Bryen Drury raised his flag in her on 7 September and then eight days later sailed her with a convoy of nine Indiamen to the East Indies, seven for the coast and two for Bombay.
During the voyage, on 25 January 1808 she captured the Danish ship Nancy.Then on 12 February she arrived off the Danish possession of Tranquebar just in time to observe the landing of troops of the 14th regiment of Foot and the Honourable East India Company's artillery by Russell. The British immediately went on to capture the settlement and fort, which capitulated without resistance.
TS 45/42 Claim by Admiral Sir Edward king for share in grant for destruction of Barracoons at Cabinda and Ambriz, Angola 1848 Public record office Kew
TS 45/42
| |
Claim by Admiral Sir Edward King for share in grant for destruction of barracoons at Cabinda and Ambriz, Angola
Held by:
The National Archives, Kew
the Barracoons, as the buildings are called in which the slaves are confined who ...... had obtained their cargoes at the Sherbro, at Ambriz, Cabinda or Loanda, ...
A copy of Memorandum of letters to and from Admiral Sir Edward King relating to china & french naval movements 1841 - 1842 PRO 30/12/36/17 Public record office Kew
From the Australian records on Trove, there are numerous accounts of his actions, including the fact that he in 1841 brought 148 Negros from the slave ship Ann and took them to Cape Town on the "Accord" and paid for the expenses, as he had no orders.
In 1857 it notes that they were sorry to hear of his "service indisposition"
From the Durnford Family website:
This officer is a son of the late William King, of Southampton, Esq., and a brother of Captain Andrew King, RN. He first went to sea in the Director of 64 guns, commanded by Captain Thomas West, in June 1789, and from that period served in various ships till 1794 when he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, for his good conduct as a Midshipman on board the Barfleur, a second rate, bearing the Flag of Rear Admiral Bowyer, in the memorable actions between Earl Howe and M Villaret de Joveuse, an account of which will be found in our first volume.
After serving for some time with the present Sir Edward Thornbrough, in the Robust 74, Mr. King joined the Dryad of 44 guns and 251 men, and he was the senior Lieutenant of that ship when she captured, after a spirited action, Proserpine, a French frigate of 42 guns and 348 men. His behavior on that occasion procured him the official commendations of his Captain, Lord Ameluis Beauclerk, and he was in consequence advanced to the rank of Commander. but we have reason to believe, did not obtain an appointment as such till June 1798, when he was commissioned to the Gaite sloop of war, in which vessel he cruised with considerable success against the enemy's privateers and trade on the Leeward Lands station, until Sept 28, 1800, when he was promoted into the Leviathan 74, bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Duckworth. whom he served under at the reduction of the Swedish and Danish West India colonies, in March 1801.
He subsequently removed into the Andromeda frigate, and continued to command her till the end of the war when he was obliged through ill health to return to England. In April, 1805 he was appointed acting Captain of the Endymion, during the absence of the Hon. Charles Paget and in that tine frigate, we find him employed off Cadiz under the gallant Collingwood.
This ruse de guerre had the desired effect and M Villeneuve, who commanded the combined force, put into Cadiz. where he was closely reconnoitered by Captain King, who lost no time in reposing what had occurred to his chief, whom he joined at the entrance of the Straits The ability and zeal which Captain King had thus displayed, were fully testified by Vice Admiral Collingwood in his public dispatches
. Captain King continued in the Endymion till the latter end of 1806. In the following spring he was appointed to the Monmouth of 64 guns, and ordered to the East Indies, from whence he convoyed home a valuable fleet of Indiamen. He subsequently commanded the Rodney 74, on the Mediterranean station, and in Nov 1814, was appointed to the Cornwallis, another third rate, fitting for the flag of Rear Admiral Buriton, but the bad state of his health at that period preventing him from undertaking a voyage to India, he resigned the command of' that ship previous to her quitting port, since which he has been on half pay. (obit)
Captain Andrew King
From The War For All The Oceans: From Nelson at the Nile to Napoleon at Waterloo
By the end of September about 9300 out of seventeen thousand men were sick. Because of the emergency, Dr James McGrigor, Inspector of Army Hospitals was requested to go there immediately. In just a few hours he reached Deal, where there were four transports and the 74 gun Venerable warship of Sir Home Popham, then commanded by Acting Captain Andrew King. The port admiral gae Captain King orders to convey Dr Mc Grigor and any other medical officers without delay to Walcheren, but the captain was furious at being used as a transport ship. Despite the urgency, he was in no hurry to leave, as McGrigor reported, :After the vessel was under weigh, and had stood out to sea, and after repeated signals from the admiral on shore, she made no way on her passage, and intended as it appeared, to make little, till a lady came on board. That lady was the wife of an officer at Walcheren, captain Codrington. She was at Canterbury (actualy Walmer) whither I was informed an express had been sent for her.
Mc Grigor's sudden arrial had obiously upset a prior arrangement to convey Codrington's wife to Walcheren, and although we got under weigh and so far as to get beyond the reach of the admiral's glasses, I soon found out that we were not making our passage. In reality Captain King was waiting for Mrs Codrington, and it was not till late at night, or perhaps the following morning that she, with a lady her companion came on board. The companion of Jane Codrington who was six months pregnant was Miss Mary Treacher. At seven in the evening they reached the Stone Deep anchorage to the north wet of Walcheren, and Mary Treacher related that Captain King wished to remain for the tide had begun to ebb - we were still ten miles from the fleet, and there were symptoms of a coming storm, but he was overruled by the pilop who affirmed that he could take the ship in safety. She had not however left the anchorage five minutes when she struck upon the sandbank. The second shock she received carried away the rudder, and her ultimate fate then became very precarious Mc Grigor gave a graphic account of the ship in distress.
On reaching the deck, I found Captain King questioning the two Deal pilots, whose faces were the colour of ashes.
The ship began taking water, and Captain King ordered the ladies below as he was to cut away the mainmast!
Never argue with the Captain
In Jan 1819 he commanded with Captain Sir Jason Alex Gordon and Andrew King the Active 46
He also served on an impressive number of ships
Service details
HMS Carysfort 5 December 1786 to 23 May 1790 Rank/rating: Lieutenant's Servant
HMS Bellerophon 25 April 1793 to 9 May 1793 Rank/rating: Able Seaman
10 May 1793 to 27 December 1794 HMS Lively
28 December 1794 to 15 October 1795 HMS Vengeance
16 October 1795 to 19 February 1796 HMS St Albans
19 February 1796 to 22 April 1797 HMS Andromeda
23 April 1797 to 11 September 1800 Rank/rating: Lieutenant HMS Desiree
12 September 1800 to 17 July 1802 Rank/rating: Lieutenant HMS Abergavenny
18 July 1802 to 2 September 1802 Rank/rating: Lieutenant HMS Victory Ship's pay book number: (SB 27)
15 April 1803 to 1 January 1806 (Was at Trafalgar) Rank/rating: Lieutenant HMS Ocean HMS Hebe 16 March 1806 HMS Waldemaan HMS Venerable
10 August 1810 Rank/rating: Post Captain HMS Hannibal
11 August 1810 to 27 April 1811 Rank/rating: Post Captain HMS Royal George
16 April 1812 Rank/rating: Post Captain HMS Swiftsure
7 May 1812 to 16 June 1812 Rank/rating: Post Captain HMS Rainbow
20 June 1812 to 5 February 1813 Rank/rating: Post Captain HMS Iphigenia
6 February 1813 to 31 May 1816 Rank/rating: Post Captain HMS Cornwallis
1 June 1816 to 25 November 1816 Rank/rating: Post Captian HMS Active 24 December 1821
From the Archives:
Andrew King aged 31 born in St Andrew Holborn, London, England.
Ship: HMS Victory
Rank/Rating: Lieutenant
Personal details
4 January 1774
30 June 1835
Falmouth, Cornwall, aged 61, while superintendent of the Packet Establishment |
Married: Mary Lewin, 4 March 1821, (born, died)
Children: William King Hannah Bagshaw King Harriet Caroline King
William King
Hannah King
![]() |
Service details
HMS Carysfort
5 December 1786 to 23 May 1790
Rank/rating: Lieutenant's Servant
HMS Bellerophon
25 April 1793 to 9 May 1793
Rank/rating: Able Seaman
10 May 1793 to 27 December 1794
HMS Lively
28 December 1794 to 15 October 1795
HMS Vengeance
16 October 1795 to 19 February 1796
HMS St Albans
19 February 1796 to 22 April 1797
HMS Andromeda
23 April 1797 to 11 September 1800
Rank/rating: Lieutenant
HMS Desiree
12 September 1800 to 17 July 1802
Rank/rating: Lieutenant
HMS Abergavenny
18 July 1802 to 2 September 1802
Rank/rating: Lieutenant
HMS Victory
Ship's pay book number: (SB 27)
15 April 1803 to 1 January 1806 (Was at Trafalgar) Rank/rating: Lieutenant
HMS Ocean
HMS Hebe
16 March 1806
HMS Waldemaan
HMS Venerable
10 August 1810
Rank/rating: Post Captain
HMS Hannibal
11 August 1810 to 27 April 1811
Rank/rating: Post Captain
HMS Royal George
16 April 1812
Rank/rating: Post Captain
HMS Swiftsure
7 May 1812 to 16 June 1812
Rank/rating: Post Captain
HMS Rainbow
20 June 1812 to 5 February 1813
Rank/rating: Post Captain
HMS Iphigenia
6 February 1813 to 31 May 1816
Rank/rating: Post Captain
HMS Cornwallis
1 June 1816 to 25 November 1816
Rank/rating: Post Captian
HMS Active
24 December 1821
![]() |
Sources used
Catalogue reference: ADM 107/20 - pages 136-138
Catalogue reference: ADM 9/3 - page 419
Book reference: Mackenzie - page 12
Catalogue reference: IR 26/1394 - pages 551-552
Book reference: Marione
Catalogue reference: PROB 11/1853 - LH 54
Catalogue reference: ADM 36/15900
From the Durnford Family website
1799, as first on la Desiree, under the same commander, at the defeat of the Danish line of defense before Copenhagen, April 2, 1801, (on which occasion he was commended), and as fourth Lieutenant of Nelson's flagship, in ever memorable conflict with the combined fleets near Cape Trafalgar, Oct 21, 1805. His promotion to the rank of Commander took place Jan 22, 1806. Captain King commanded the Hebe hired armed ship, and was several times warmly engaged with the enemy' s batteries and flotilla, during the siege of Copenhagen in 1807. From thence he returned home in the Waldemaar, a Danish 80, the equipment of which ship was greatly expedited by his zealous exertions. His post commission bears date Oct 13, 1807 In the summer of 1808, Captain King was appointed the Tempore, to the Venerable 74. and in her he assisted at the reduction of Flushing, August 15, 1809 We subsequently find him commanding the Hannibal 74, bearing the flag of Sir Thomas Williams, Royal Georue a first rate, Rainbow of 26 guns, and Iphigenia frigate, the three latter on the Mediterranean station. The Iphigenia formed part of Sir Josias Rowley's squadron at the capture of Genoa in April 1814, and was afterwards ordered to conduct a fleet of transports from Gibraltar to Bermuda. In Oct 1815. We find her proceeding to the East Indies, from whence Captain King returned home in command of the Cornwallis 74. His last appointment was Dec 28, 1821, to the Active 46, in which frigate he continued until about Sept 1824. He married, Mar 5 1821, Mary, eldest daughter of Charles Lewin, of St. Albans. Co. Hens. Source: John Marshall, Royal Naval Biography, (London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, (1823-1835), Volumes No. 9, p.257 - published 1827. As extracted from the volume held in the Admiralty Library and provided courtesy of CPO Peter Lockyer - HMS Victory, Portsmouth Naval Base. For the names of the officers and ratings on the Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar - see the official crew Note: The Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy, 1660-1815, ed. David Syrett and R.L. DiNardo (Aldershot: Scolar press for the Navy Records Society, 1994) would be a source for the likely 1835 death date of Capt. Andrew King. |
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