Margaret Creagh B 1682 d 1732 in Newcastle married Anthony Isaacson born 1670 died 1746
The Isaacson Lineage
There is one common theme with the Isaacsons, they had lots of children, and used the same names many times over.
The earliest research has William Isaacson who died around 1532 with two sons. The name was recorded as Ikason
William Isaacson Sheffield Yorkshire Our lineage
Phillip Isaacson b 1500
William married Isabel Scales from Kildwick in Yorkshire
(From Boyd's there is a death and burial of Isabella Scales 12 August 1573)
William and Isabel had at two sons
Richard Isaacson Our lineage
Paul Isaacson married Catherine Peacock
Richard was born in 1550 at St Catharine Coleman (Bap) London
He married Susan de Bryan (Brian) daughter of Thomas Brian of London
Richard was a painter and stainer, (artist) and Deputy Governor of The East India Company. He was also the Sheriff of London.
East India Company, also called English East India Company, formally (1600–1708) Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies, or (1708–1873) United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India, incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600.
Starting as a monopolistic trading body, the company became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India from the early 18th century to the mid-19th century. In addition, the activities of the company in China in the 19th century served as a catalyst for the expansion of British influence there.
The company was formed to share in the East Indian spice trade. This trade had been a monopoly of Spain and Portugal until the defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588) by England gave the English the chance to break the monopoly. Until 1612 the company conducted separate voyages, separately subscribed. There were temporary joint stocks until 1657, when a permanent joint stock was raised.
![East India House [Credit: City of London Libraries and Guildhall Art Gallery/Heritage-Images]](
![East India Company: official of the East India Company riding in an Indian procession [Credit: ©]](
The company met with opposition from the Dutch in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth in 1600, making it the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies. Wealthy merchants and aristocrats owned the Company's shares. The government owned no shares and had only indirect control.
(This great grandfather certainly must have had some wealth)
From the Archives:
Short title: Taylor v Isackson. Plaintiffs: Robert Taylor . Defendants: Richard Isackson . Subject: property ...
...Isackson. Plaintiffs: Robert Taylor . Defendants: Richard Isackson . Subject: property in Northumberland Place, St Katherine Coleman, London . Document type: bill, answer, replication. ... Collection: Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions Date range:01 January 1596 - 31 December 1603 Reference:C 3/292/46 Subjects:Litigation
Northumberland Place is just of Trafalgar Square, central London.
His father William remarried Ellen daughter of Thomas Walplade of Banbury Oxford
His son with Ellen was Powle Isaacson b 1600 d 1685
In the chancel this inscription, on a marble grave stone:
"Here lyeth the body of Richard Isaacson, esq, Eastland merchant, and free of the Paynters Stayners of this citi of London who having lived in this parish 58 years slept in the Lord 19 January AD 1620
From the Archives:
Richard Isaacson, by will, dated 8th November 1620 gave unto the poor inhabitants of St Catherine Coleman, 52s yearly to be distributed every Wednesday, weekly, in bread, among the said poor inhabitants, at the discretion of the parsons, churchwardens, and overseers; such sum to issue out of a tenement in the said parish, then or late in the tenure of John Richards.
This annuity is paid by the East India Company in respect of ground on which their warehouses partly stand, to the overseers of the poor.
Twelve threepenny loaves are distributed every Sunday, and the deficiency of the charity fund to supply that quantity is made good out of the poor rates. The distribution has always been made by the overseers at their discretion. The bread is brought to the church and given after diving service to such as attend church.
A letter written by Randolp Isaacson regarding his father and grandfather.
Concerning Henry Isaacson a.
I find that my grandfather dyed in St.Cathrin Coleman’s
parish London, the 19® January, 1620, and to my best
rememberance upon his gravestone in the chancell it was
ingraven that hee had lived in the said parrish 58 yeares.
He (was) fined for not serving the office of shereif of
London, being chosen in the yeare 1618.
My father died in St. Cathrin Coleman’s parrish above-
said about the 7® of December, 1654, which is neare
34 years after my grandfather’s death. I calculate from
the tyme of his birth to my grandfather’s death to bee
39 yeares : ad b the 34 yeares after my grandfather’s death
to the 39 before: 39 + 34 makes 73 yeares his age—which
all the familie agree that hee was seaventy three yeares
of age when he died, so that he was borne in anno 1581.
Borne in anno 1581, dyed aged 73, makes 1654 the yeare
when he dyed. And in all probability he was borne
in St. Kathrin Coleman’s parish, my grandfather having
lived so long tyme there : the church booke, if extant,
will soone resolve yow—I never heard any thing to the
My brother William Isaacson could more exactly give
you an account of the degrees he tooke, if any, but the
University was Cambriege and the College Pembrooke-Hall.
I thinke I have heard he was Mr. of Arts standing, but
am somthing uncertayne of this. ^ T
s J Rand. Isaacson.
Fifeild, the ai« Aprill 1681.
Henry Isaacson b 1581 d 1684 Our lineage
William Isaacson b 1612 d 1661
From the Dictionary of National Biography, Volumes 1 - 22

From the Anglican Archives:
Madras, as we have seen, was actually founded in 1640, but it was not until 1647 that the first Chaplain, Mr. Isaacson, was appointed. He had been at Surat since 1644, and it seems that when he was first appointed to Madras he disliked the change so greatly that he wrote a complaint to his father, who occupied a high position in the City of London.
His father's request that he should be re-transferred to Surat was granted, but as the order did not reach Mr. Isaacson for a year, and as he apparently had grown during this time to like Madras greatly, he seems to have lingered on in Madras six months longer than he needed.
That he became popular in Madras is evident from the fact that the President and Council, when writing of him to the Court in London, wrote as follows: "Since even the very opinion of the President and Council as of all others, that such a civil and well-governed man is as much, if not more, necessary for the religious order and reputation of this place, where you have so many servants and other Christians living under your command, and wanting instructions as any other Factories in India whatsoever; we doubt not of prevailing with your said President and Council to admit of his continuance here before we shall have any ship to transport him thither; until you please to send out such another (although none for comportment and language can fit this place better than Mr. Isaacson); and not to be offended at this our reasonable request which is so considerably necessary for the good of your servants, and repute of your town, whose inhabitants as well as our neighbours are apt to observe how much your worships seem to slight this place in so small a matter."
William Isaacson returned to Surat in 1648, and was there for two years. He then went on leave, and on his return to India was again stationed at Madras, where we find him in 1654 to 1657. He seems to have entirely got over his early prejudice against Madras.
The original petition that gathered eyewitness accounts (including that of William Isaacson) of the activities of the two French Catholic friars in Madras who were accused of attempting to forcibly conver the children of Protestant men and Portuguese women to Catholicism. Titled: Copies of Attestations Concerning two French Padres 24 January 1660
Interesting times in Madras, and other towns linked to the East India Company, they didn't want mixed marriages, ie Catholic and Anglican!
Henry and Elizabeth had 17 children:
Randolph d 1688 married Margaret Shawe
Thomas b 1608 d 1666 m Elizabeth Clarke
Elizabeth b 1609 m George Foye 1633
Richard b 1610
Henry b 1612 m Eleanor Aylett
William b 1615
Jacob b 1616 d 1655
Susan b 1617 d 1682 m John Clarke 1648
Ann b 1618
Mary b 1619 m Rev John Gent
Jerome b 1621
Rebecca b 1622
Franciscus b 1624
Anthony b 1626 d 1683 m Jane Lawson Our lineage
Martha b 1628 m Obediah Smith
Margaret b 1630 m John Potkin
Lucia b 1633 d 1633
Randolph Issacson was one of the 17 children of Henry Isaacson (1581–1654), (by Elizabeth, daughter of John Fan, leather-seller), of St. Katherine Coleman, who was of a family with a Sheffield origin, but was a citizen and Painter-stainer of London (of which company he was a warden and was its Master in 1633 & 1639, following his uncle Pawle Isaacson, who was master in 1627).
William Isaacson Sheffield Yorkshire Our lineage
Phillip Isaacson b 1500
William married Isabel Scales from Kildwick in Yorkshire
(From Boyd's there is a death and burial of Isabella Scales 12 August 1573)
William and Isabel had at two sons
Richard Isaacson Our lineage
Paul Isaacson married Catherine Peacock
Richard was born in 1550 at St Catharine Coleman (Bap) London
He married Susan de Bryan (Brian) daughter of Thomas Brian of London
East India Company, also called English East India Company, formally (1600–1708) Governor and Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies, or (1708–1873) United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India, incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600.
Starting as a monopolistic trading body, the company became involved in politics and acted as an agent of British imperialism in India from the early 18th century to the mid-19th century. In addition, the activities of the company in China in the 19th century served as a catalyst for the expansion of British influence there.
The company was formed to share in the East Indian spice trade. This trade had been a monopoly of Spain and Portugal until the defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588) by England gave the English the chance to break the monopoly. Until 1612 the company conducted separate voyages, separately subscribed. There were temporary joint stocks until 1657, when a permanent joint stock was raised.
![East India House [Credit: City of London Libraries and Guildhall Art Gallery/Heritage-Images]](
![East India Company: official of the East India Company riding in an Indian procession [Credit: ©]](
The company met with opposition from the Dutch in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) The company received a Royal Charter from Queen Elizabeth in 1600, making it the oldest among several similarly formed European East India Companies. Wealthy merchants and aristocrats owned the Company's shares. The government owned no shares and had only indirect control.
(This great grandfather certainly must have had some wealth)
From the Archives:
Short title: Taylor v Isackson. Plaintiffs: Robert Taylor . Defendants: Richard Isackson . Subject: property ...
...Isackson. Plaintiffs: Robert Taylor . Defendants: Richard Isackson . Subject: property in Northumberland Place, St Katherine Coleman, London . Document type: bill, answer, replication. ... Collection: Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions Date range:01 January 1596 - 31 December 1603 Reference:C 3/292/46 Subjects:Litigation
Northumberland Place is just of Trafalgar Square, central London.
His father William remarried Ellen daughter of Thomas Walplade of Banbury Oxford
His son with Ellen was Powle Isaacson b 1600 d 1685
Richard was buried in St Catherine's Church. The church was demolished late in the 1770, and from the archives: |
"Here lyeth the body of Richard Isaacson, esq, Eastland merchant, and free of the Paynters Stayners of this citi of London who having lived in this parish 58 years slept in the Lord 19 January AD 1620
From the Archives:
Richard Isaacson, by will, dated 8th November 1620 gave unto the poor inhabitants of St Catherine Coleman, 52s yearly to be distributed every Wednesday, weekly, in bread, among the said poor inhabitants, at the discretion of the parsons, churchwardens, and overseers; such sum to issue out of a tenement in the said parish, then or late in the tenure of John Richards.
This annuity is paid by the East India Company in respect of ground on which their warehouses partly stand, to the overseers of the poor.
Twelve threepenny loaves are distributed every Sunday, and the deficiency of the charity fund to supply that quantity is made good out of the poor rates. The distribution has always been made by the overseers at their discretion. The bread is brought to the church and given after diving service to such as attend church.
Will of Richard Isaackson or Isaacson, Painter Stainer of Saint Katherine Coleman, City of London | |
Date: | 19 January 1621 |
Held by: | The National Archives, Kew |
Concerning Henry Isaacson a.
I find that my grandfather dyed in St.Cathrin Coleman’s
parish London, the 19® January, 1620, and to my best
rememberance upon his gravestone in the chancell it was
ingraven that hee had lived in the said parrish 58 yeares.
He (was) fined for not serving the office of shereif of
London, being chosen in the yeare 1618.
My father died in St. Cathrin Coleman’s parrish above-
said about the 7® of December, 1654, which is neare
34 years after my grandfather’s death. I calculate from
the tyme of his birth to my grandfather’s death to bee
39 yeares : ad b the 34 yeares after my grandfather’s death
to the 39 before: 39 + 34 makes 73 yeares his age—which
all the familie agree that hee was seaventy three yeares
of age when he died, so that he was borne in anno 1581.
Borne in anno 1581, dyed aged 73, makes 1654 the yeare
when he dyed. And in all probability he was borne
in St. Kathrin Coleman’s parish, my grandfather having
lived so long tyme there : the church booke, if extant,
will soone resolve yow—I never heard any thing to the
My brother William Isaacson could more exactly give
you an account of the degrees he tooke, if any, but the
University was Cambriege and the College Pembrooke-Hall.
I thinke I have heard he was Mr. of Arts standing, but
am somthing uncertayne of this. ^ T
s J Rand. Isaacson.
Fifeild, the ai« Aprill 1681.
- MS. Aubr. 8, fol. 89. of Anthony Wood : the letter is the
- This title is in the handwriting original. ^ i.e. ad.
Henry Isaacson b 1581 d 1684 Our lineage
William Isaacson b 1612 d 1661
Isaacson married Elizabeth Fanshawe. She
was the daughter of John Fanshawe of London. They had nine sons and eight
Fanshaw (Fanshawe) was the sole inheriter of her father’s estates in
Her fathers' family were quite prominent in London.
Boyd's Inhabitants of London and Boyd's Family Units is a comprehensive collection of about 70,000 handwritten sheets with details of an individual London family. Most of the sheets date from the 16th to 18th centuries, although select records reach back to the 13th century up until the 20th century.
![]() |
Boyd's 1580 |
Her fathers' family were quite prominent in London.
Boyd's Inhabitants of London and Boyd's Family Units is a comprehensive collection of about 70,000 handwritten sheets with details of an individual London family. Most of the sheets date from the 16th to 18th centuries, although select records reach back to the 13th century up until the 20th century.
There were numerous branches of the family. The manor of PARSLOES was a free tenement
held of the manor of Barking. The present Parsloes
Park was the centre of the estate. From the 17th
century to the 20th it was owned by the Fanshawes,
who lived there for most of that period and were
one of the leading families of the district.
There is a marriage between John Fanshaw and Mary. This cannot be proven to be Elizabeth's parents as yet.
First name(s) | JOHN |
Supplied first name(s) | Mary |
Last name | FANSHAW |
Spouse's first name(s) | John |
Spouse's supplied first name(s) | Jn |
Spouse's last name | Fanshaw |
Marriage year | 1597 |
Dedication | Bishop Ml |
Possible counties | London,Essex, Hertfordshire, Middlesex |
County | London |
Country | England |
Record set | Boyd's 1st Misc |
Category | Life Events (BDMs) |
Record collection | Marriages & divorces |
Collections from | United Kingdom |
(It should be pointed
out that others had her name as Elizabeth Fan.
When proving the research, I was unable to find anything at all about a
Fan family, other than a transcription however I did discover Fanshawe, as the
family name, and thence the history of their lives.)
Henry Isaacson had a rich and interesting life. He was quite famous in his time.
Henry Isaacson went to Pembroke Hall Treasurer of Bridewall and Bedlam 1643 - 54. Elected Chamberlain of London 1651 but declined Henry Isaacson had a rich and interesting life. He was quite famous in his time.
From the Dictionary of National Biography, Volumes 1 - 22
ISAACSON, HENRY (1581–1654), theologian and chronologer, born
in the parish of St. Catherine, Coleman Street, London, in September 1581, was
the eldest son of Richard Isaacson, by Susan, daughter of Thomas Bryan (Visitation
of London, 1633–5, Harl. Soc., ii. 3–4). He appears to have been educated
under the care of Bishop Lancelot Andrewes [q. v.], by whom he was sent to
Pembroke Hall, Cambridge.
Upon leaving college he became an inmate of the bishop's house, and remained with him as his amanuensis and intimate friend until Andrewes's death in 1626. In 1645 he held the office of treasurer of Bridewell and Bedlam (Gent. Mag. 1831, pt. ii. p. 502).
Upon leaving college he became an inmate of the bishop's house, and remained with him as his amanuensis and intimate friend until Andrewes's death in 1626. In 1645 he held the office of treasurer of Bridewell and Bedlam (Gent. Mag. 1831, pt. ii. p. 502).
handsomely providing for his numerous children, of whom several settled in
Cambridgeshire, Isaacson, in imitation of his father, was a benefactor to the
poor of the parish of St. Catherine, Coleman Street, where he died on 7 Dec.
1654, and was buried on the 14th (Smyth,
Obituary, Camden Soc., p. 39, name misprinted ‘Jackson’).
In his will he described himself as ‘citizen and painter-stainer of London’ (P. C. C. 263, Aylett), and bequeathed to Dr. Collins, provost of King's College, Cambridge, a portrait of Bishop Andrewes. By his wife Elizabeth, daughter and sole heiress of John Fan* of London, he had nine sons and eight daughters. He was owner of the advowson of Woodford, Essex, to which he presented successively his younger brother William and his eldest son Richard (Wood, Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 377).
In his will he described himself as ‘citizen and painter-stainer of London’ (P. C. C. 263, Aylett), and bequeathed to Dr. Collins, provost of King's College, Cambridge, a portrait of Bishop Andrewes. By his wife Elizabeth, daughter and sole heiress of John Fan* of London, he had nine sons and eight daughters. He was owner of the advowson of Woodford, Essex, to which he presented successively his younger brother William and his eldest son Richard (Wood, Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 377).
In 1630
appeared a small volume called ‘Institutiones Piæ, or Directions to Pray,’
&c., 12mo, London, collected by ‘H. I.,’ which passed through several
editions. Some passages are borrowed from Andrewes's ‘Preces Privatæ,’ and in a
preface to the fourth edition (1655) the original publisher, Henry Seile,
claimed the whole work for Andrewes, and described Isaacson's relations to the
three former editions as that of a kind foster-father then lately dead (cf.
Hale's Preface to Institutiones Piæ, ed. 1839).
principal work is a great folio entitled ‘Satvrni Ephemerides, sive Tabvla
Historico-Chronologica, containing a Chronological Series … of the foure
Monarchyes. … As also a Succession of the Kings and Rulers over most Kingdoms
and Estates of the World … with a Commend of the History of the Church of God
from the Creation … lastly an Appendix of the Plantation and Encrease of
Religion in … Britayne,’ &c., London, 1633. It was probably inspired by
The lists of authorities fill six pages, and
the citations and references are remarkable for their accuracy. Richard Crashaw
contributed some pleasing verses in explanation of the curious engraved
title-page by W. Marshall (Crashaw,
Works, ed. Grosart, i. 246).
wrote also ‘An Exact Narrative of the Life and Death of … Lancelot Andrewes,’
4to, London, 1650, which was incorporated in the following year in Fuller's
‘Abel Redivivus.’ The work treats of Andrewes's mental endowments rather than
of the events of his life. An edition published in 1829 by a descendant,
Stephen Isaacson [q.v.] , contains a life of the author. To Isaacson may be
probably ascribed the devotional manuals issued under the initials of ‘H. I.:’
1. ‘Jacob's Ladder, consisting of fifteene degrees or ascents to the knowledge
of God by the consideration of His creatures and attributes,’ 12mo, London, 1637.
address to the reader is signed ‘H. I.’ 2. ‘A Treaty of Pacification, or
Conditions of Peace between God and Man,’ 12mo, London, 1642. 3. ‘A Spirituall
Duell between a Christian and Satan,’ &c., 12mo, London, 1646. 4. ‘The
Summe and Substance of Christian Religion, set down in a Catechisticall Way,’
12mo, London, 1647. 5. ‘Divine Contemplations necessary for these Times,’ 12mo,
London, 1648. 6. ‘The Scripture Kalendar in use by the Prophets and Apostles
and by our Lord Jesus Christ,’ 8vo, London, 1653. Isaacson may likewise have
furnished the ‘Address to the Reader by H. I.’ prefixed to R. Sibbes's
‘Breathing after God,’ 12mo, 1639.
[Stephen Isaacson's Life referred to; Gent. Mag.
vol. ci. pt. ii. p. 194; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. iv. 286.]
STC 14269.Henry Isaacson (1581-1654) had been for many years treasurer
and amanuensis to Lancelot Andrewes, first when he was Bishop of
Chichester and then of Ely and published a life of him in 1650. He was
master of the Painter-Stainers' Company in 1633, 1639 and 1640 and was
actively involved in City of London charities and church affairs.
His chronology of world history, the first such work in English, is dedicated to King Charles I: "This (under your Royall Correction) I conceive to be a Worke (if not newly Invented, yet) now first Transferr'd into your Maiesties Dominions. A Worke of the like nature (though not the same Forme, Varietie, or Extent) was presented by a Stranger, to your Maiesties most Royall Father, in another Language: This is a Native of Your owne, and the first that ever spake the Language of this Countrey, so perfectly and fully, if I be not deceived."In the preface Isaacson explains that when "I first undertooke this worke, I aymed at nothing, but mine owne private use, partly for my Information, and partly to spend some vacant hours for recreation; and the reason of my then committing it to writing, was to helpe the naturall infirmity and weaknes of my memory, being loath to loose those houres, which I had so spent, or spend them so, that I might not be bettered by my reading: For not to read at all, or so to reade, as to forget, amounteth to same in effect."
His chronology is not just a dry table of dates and he apologises to the reader for "enterlacing it with Stories, Poeticall tables, and many other matters: for which I hope I shall not be shent [reproached]." It very much reflects his own interests, including, for example, the deaths of painters such as Nicholas Hilliard and Peter Oliver, poets such as Spenser and Daniel (but not Shakespeare), historians, mathematicians, explorers, etc.
The chronology is prefaced by a six-page list of his sources arranged by subject - he either had a remarkably comprehensive library or, more likely, had access to the library of Bishop Andrewes.There are ten prefatory Latin verses in praise of the author and his work. The English verses in explanation of the engraved title are attributed to Richard Crashaw.Provenance: Inscription on the front pastedown "John Crocombe, Lympton, North Devon, 1718"
His chronology of world history, the first such work in English, is dedicated to King Charles I: "This (under your Royall Correction) I conceive to be a Worke (if not newly Invented, yet) now first Transferr'd into your Maiesties Dominions. A Worke of the like nature (though not the same Forme, Varietie, or Extent) was presented by a Stranger, to your Maiesties most Royall Father, in another Language: This is a Native of Your owne, and the first that ever spake the Language of this Countrey, so perfectly and fully, if I be not deceived."In the preface Isaacson explains that when "I first undertooke this worke, I aymed at nothing, but mine owne private use, partly for my Information, and partly to spend some vacant hours for recreation; and the reason of my then committing it to writing, was to helpe the naturall infirmity and weaknes of my memory, being loath to loose those houres, which I had so spent, or spend them so, that I might not be bettered by my reading: For not to read at all, or so to reade, as to forget, amounteth to same in effect."
His chronology is not just a dry table of dates and he apologises to the reader for "enterlacing it with Stories, Poeticall tables, and many other matters: for which I hope I shall not be shent [reproached]." It very much reflects his own interests, including, for example, the deaths of painters such as Nicholas Hilliard and Peter Oliver, poets such as Spenser and Daniel (but not Shakespeare), historians, mathematicians, explorers, etc.
The chronology is prefaced by a six-page list of his sources arranged by subject - he either had a remarkably comprehensive library or, more likely, had access to the library of Bishop Andrewes.There are ten prefatory Latin verses in praise of the author and his work. The English verses in explanation of the engraved title are attributed to Richard Crashaw.Provenance: Inscription on the front pastedown "John Crocombe, Lympton, North Devon, 1718"
1870-72, John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales
described Woodford like this:
parish in West Ham district, Essex; on the Stratford and Ongar railway, 4¼
miles N by E of Stratford. It has a r. station, of the name of Woodford; and it
contains W.-Green village, with a head post-office.‡ W.-Bridge village, with a
post-office under Chigwell-Road, and W. village and W.-Wells village, with
post-offices under W.-Green. Acres, 2,148. Real property, £18,277. Pop. in
1851, 2,774; in 1861, 3,457. Houses, 631. The increase of pop. arose from
erection of house s consequent upon railway communication with London. ...
From the Anglican Archives:
Madras, as we have seen, was actually founded in 1640, but it was not until 1647 that the first Chaplain, Mr. Isaacson, was appointed. He had been at Surat since 1644, and it seems that when he was first appointed to Madras he disliked the change so greatly that he wrote a complaint to his father, who occupied a high position in the City of London.
His father's request that he should be re-transferred to Surat was granted, but as the order did not reach Mr. Isaacson for a year, and as he apparently had grown during this time to like Madras greatly, he seems to have lingered on in Madras six months longer than he needed.
That he became popular in Madras is evident from the fact that the President and Council, when writing of him to the Court in London, wrote as follows: "Since even the very opinion of the President and Council as of all others, that such a civil and well-governed man is as much, if not more, necessary for the religious order and reputation of this place, where you have so many servants and other Christians living under your command, and wanting instructions as any other Factories in India whatsoever; we doubt not of prevailing with your said President and Council to admit of his continuance here before we shall have any ship to transport him thither; until you please to send out such another (although none for comportment and language can fit this place better than Mr. Isaacson); and not to be offended at this our reasonable request which is so considerably necessary for the good of your servants, and repute of your town, whose inhabitants as well as our neighbours are apt to observe how much your worships seem to slight this place in so small a matter."
William Isaacson returned to Surat in 1648, and was there for two years. He then went on leave, and on his return to India was again stationed at Madras, where we find him in 1654 to 1657. He seems to have entirely got over his early prejudice against Madras.
The original petition that gathered eyewitness accounts (including that of William Isaacson) of the activities of the two French Catholic friars in Madras who were accused of attempting to forcibly conver the children of Protestant men and Portuguese women to Catholicism. Titled: Copies of Attestations Concerning two French Padres 24 January 1660
Interesting times in Madras, and other towns linked to the East India Company, they didn't want mixed marriages, ie Catholic and Anglican!
Henry and Elizabeth had 17 children:
Randolph d 1688 married Margaret Shawe
Thomas b 1608 d 1666 m Elizabeth Clarke
Elizabeth b 1609 m George Foye 1633
Richard b 1610
Henry b 1612 m Eleanor Aylett
William b 1615
Jacob b 1616 d 1655
Susan b 1617 d 1682 m John Clarke 1648
Ann b 1618
Mary b 1619 m Rev John Gent
Jerome b 1621
Rebecca b 1622
Franciscus b 1624
Anthony b 1626 d 1683 m Jane Lawson Our lineage
Martha b 1628 m Obediah Smith
Margaret b 1630 m John Potkin
Lucia b 1633 d 1633
A little about Randolph Isaacson
Randolph Issacson was one of the 17 children of Henry Isaacson (1581–1654), (by Elizabeth, daughter of John Fan, leather-seller), of St. Katherine Coleman, who was of a family with a Sheffield origin, but was a citizen and Painter-stainer of London (of which company he was a warden and was its Master in 1633 & 1639, following his uncle Pawle Isaacson, who was master in 1627).
Randolph Isaacson's wife Margaret was the daughter of Robert Shawe II,
son of Robert Shaw, vintner, of St. George’s, Southwark, Surrey), and brother of Sir John Shaw, Bt., of Broad street, London and Eltham Lodge, (designed by Hugh May),
Kent, and of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. Hurstpierpoint was granted to John
Shaw, with a baronetcy, by Charles II, in return for money lent to him
during his exile, which connection was of great importance to later
generations of Dodsons as three members were incumbents (rectors) there 1707–1807.
Anthony Isaacson married Joan Lawson in 1665 as the copy of the marriage bond confirms.
From his records at Pembroke College, it indicates that Joan was the daughter of John Lawson of Newcastle. There were numerous Lawsons in Newcastle at that time, and after a great deal of research she is probably the sister of John Lawson who married Mary Isaacson.
If that is the case her father was John Lawson and her mother Ann Ross (possibly from Scotland)
John Lawson's father Thomas Lawson b 1582 d 1618 and his mother Adelaine Brabant.
Copy of the Marriage Bond
Lawson, Jane, spr.
Anthony Isaacson married Joan Lawson in 1665 as the copy of the marriage bond confirms.
From his records at Pembroke College, it indicates that Joan was the daughter of John Lawson of Newcastle. There were numerous Lawsons in Newcastle at that time, and after a great deal of research she is probably the sister of John Lawson who married Mary Isaacson.
If that is the case her father was John Lawson and her mother Ann Ross (possibly from Scotland)
John Lawson's father Thomas Lawson b 1582 d 1618 and his mother Adelaine Brabant.
Copy of the Marriage Bond
25 Isaacson, Anty., NC, gen.
Lawson, Jane, spr.
Ellis, Eich., c D., gen.
1665, April 27. Mr. Anthony Isackson and Mrs. Jane Lawson. —
St. Andrew's Newcastle Regs.
1665, April 27. Mr. Antho Isaacson and Mrs. Jane Lawson,
p. licence. — St. John's Newcastle Begs.
Biographical History of Anthony Isaacson
Anthony Isaacson (1626-1693) was educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge. He was treasurer of Bridewell and Bedlam Hospitals. In 1665 he married Jane, daughter of John Lawson, of Newcastle.
He died on 15 June 1693 and was buried at St Nicholas, Newcastle.

The Baptisimal Font with the Lawson coat of arms in St Nicholas's Church
The guide at the Cathedral explained the coat of arms to us at the time. It is a lovely old church, and unfortunately has had a lot of damage over the years. The graves do not hold any bodies, and almost all the stained glass windows are from 1800's.
For further photos:
This chantry was also enriched by Robert
Rhodes, during the reign of king Henry VI.; and, after the death of that
character, the corporation of Newcastle gave seven pounds, seven
shillings, and tenpence, with a house, as a maintenance for one
chaplain, to pray for his soul, for
whose memory they had the highest respect, and to whom the town owed
obligations. Previous to the year 1540, George Leighton was presented to
the chaplainship of this chantry by James Lawson, mayor, and the guild
brethren of the
town, its true patrons; and, on his death in this year, William Clerke
was instituted
his successor.

Meeting the ancestors, the names of several children are also on the stone
He died on 15 June 1693 and was buried at St Nicholas, Newcastle.
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The Baptisimal Font with the Lawson coat of arms in St Nicholas's Church |
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Meeting the ancestors, the names of several children are also on the stone |
He and Jane had numerous children.
Henry 1665 d 1697
John 1666 d 1738 m Jane Lambert
Anthony 1667 d 1668
Ann 1668
Anthony 1670 d 1746 m Margaret Creagh Our lineage
James 1670 d 1671
Elizabeth 1671
Jane 1673 d 1715
Charles 1676 d 1731
Mary 1676
Lawson 1677 d 1678
Henrietta 1678 d 1737 m Sir Chaloner Ogle
Catherine 1680
Anthony was the Customs Controller at Newcastle, and his cousin was at Edinburgh Scotland.
There are a great many references to his letters in various archives.
Letters from Anthony Isaacson to Sir Robert Clayton and Sir Jeremy Whitchcott
Reference Number(s) | GB 133 Eng MS 899 |
Dates of Creation | 1675-1677 |
Physical Description | 1 volume (23 letters). |
Language of Material | English |
Twenty original letters, bound in one volume, from Anthony Isaacson of Newcastle to Sir Robert Clayton and Sir Jeremy Whitchcott, concerning vessels carrying coal, the quantity carried, new ships, etc. A number relate to Sir Thomas J. Peyton. With copies (contemporary) of two letters from Clayton to Isaacson and a note from Peyton to the same 'at the Custome house'.
. Letter signed “Jo. Knight,” to Samuel Langford, Esq., at the
Treasury Chambers, stating that, on Mr. Sansom's letter, he had searched the Custom House books as to a bill drawn by Col. Fairfax and others, for 200l. Dated 3 Jan. 1689. Accompanied by two letters from the said Mr. Sansom, addressed to William Jephson, Esq., and to Anthony Isaacson, Esq., collector of customs at Newcastle, as to the pay of the Danish forces. (To one of these are added copies of three other letters.) The first dated 2 Jan. 1689, and the others in Nov. 1689.
Newcastle (Anthony Isaacson), 590, 0, 0 .... Newcastle (Anthony Isaacson), 1,060, 1, 9
13 March 1690.Minuted:— u Agreed to.” 2 pages.
March 13. 31. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lords of the
Treasury, as to a surcharge of 66?. by the examiners of the outport
books, made on Mr. Anthony Isaacson, collector of the port of
Newcastle, for omitting to collect the aliens’ duties upon lead, &c.
exported from that port by aliens ; recommending him to their
Lordships* favourable consideration.
Dated 13 Mar. 1690....Letter of Anthony Isaacson to "William Jephson, Esq., stating that though he ....Dec. 3. 20. Letter of Anthony Isaacson to "William Jephson, Esq., stating
that though he had not the money paid him on account of the aid
of 1 id. per pound for the town of Newcastle, he would find a way
to accommodate the 500/.. if the Danish officers required it, but the
Brigadier Elnberger thinks it beneath him to receive his money
from Baron Juell, &c. Dated 3 Dec. 1689.
They were as follows : — (1) A charter dated at Newcastle-npon-Tyne, ...... In 1650 Bruges and Hamburg both invited them to settle in their cities ; the fear of a religious ...... A letter from Mr. Anthony Errington, senior, a brother of this Company, was ...... boe desired to speake with Mr. Isakson, Collect«r of the Customes House, ...
Their daughter Henrietta married Sir Chaloner Ogle
b. c.1680, o.s. of John Ogle of Newcastle-upon-Tyne by Mary, da. of Richard Braithwaite of Warcop, Westmld. m. (1) c.1726, Henrietta (d. 18 Sept. 1737), da. of Anthony Isaacson of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, s.p.; (2) 30 Oct. 1737, his 1st cos. Isabella, da. of Nathaniel Ogle of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Kirkley, s.p. Kntd. May 1723. suc. fa. 1740.
Offices Held
Entered R.N. 1697, lt. 1702, capt. 1708; c.-in-c. Jamaica 1732-5; r.-adm. 1739; c.-in-c. W. Indies 1742-5; v.-adm. 1743, adm. 1744, adm. of the fleet 1749.
A distinguished naval officer, of a Northumberland family descended from a younger son of Ralph, 3rd Lord Ogle, who died in 1513,1 Ogle received his knighthood for capturing two notorious pirate ships off the West African coast in February 1722.
While in Jamaica under Admiral Edward Vernon in 1742, he was tried and found guilty of an assault upon the governor, Edward Trelawny, in that during a quarrel between them he had laid his hand on the hilt of his sword, but at Trelawny’s request no judgment was given.
On returning to England from the West Indies in 1745, he was president of the court martial which tried certain officers for misconduct during the action off Toulon, 11 Feb. 1744. In the following year he was brought in by the Administration for Rochester on the death of Admiral Nicholas Haddock. Pelham would have preferred Admiral John Byng, but acquiesced in the Duke of Bedford’s choice of Ogle—‘he won’t be so much employed abroad, and of consequence a better attender in Parliament’.
In a news-letter of 24 Dec. 1746 Ogle is described as ‘snug [at Rochester] and will hardly care to go to sea any more’.4 Re-elected in 1747 he died 11 Apr. 1750, being succeeded at Rochester by Byng.
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