John Rogers III was born in 1685 and baptised in All Saints, Newcastle 14 July 1685.
In 1722 aged 37 he married Anne Delaval.
Anne was the daughter of Sir John Delaval, and mother unknown. She was born at Seaton in 1688 and died one year after their marriage in 1723 aged 34. She was buried at the Chapel on the family estate.
The late chapel of the Delaval Family of Seaton Delaval Hall. This little church is one of the oldest working churches in England |
Marriage Licences, Wc. Gen., Harl. Soc. Pub. No. 34, p. 135.
Ann, daughter and heiress, married John Rogers
of Denton; died 3rd, buried nth January,
1722/3, in Seaton Delaval chapel, aged 34
years O) ; s.p.
Anne was the only child of Sir John Delaval, and the estates were later purchased by Admiral George Delaval.
Admiral George Delaval paid the sum of 10,000 pounds for the marriage of Anne to John Rogers.
To add some intrigue, her father, Sir John (who had gotten into financial difficulties) had a mistress, Madam Pool, and according to some very old writings from the time, she poisoned Anne and John on their wedding night.
Another account has her as Mrs Poole the housekeeper!!!!!
Anne died 12 months later and John became a lunatic and died childless on the 24th June 1755.
It was said at the time that he never got over the death of his wife.
So what happened to all his estates and the lands of our great grandfather?
That becomes another chapter in this part of our history.
The Roger's lived at Denton Hall, as John Rogers I purchased it in 1685
*John Rogers bought East Denton Manor in 1689. In 1796 he also purchased coal mines in East and West Denton. On his death in 1709 he was succeeded by his son John Rogers the younger. The latter made his will in 1711 although he survived until 1758.
*Some history records have the incorrect generation of John Rogers applied to their findings.
The information at the following website tells the story of the Rogers
East Denton Hall is now the home of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Newcastle. During our recent tour we were staying very close to the home that the Roger's owned.
East Denton, a village seated on the Hexham Road, 3 miles west north west from Newcastle contains two farmholds, a public house and cottages mostly occupied by pitmen. Denton was a manor of the barony of Whalton in the time of Henry III. In 1380, it was given, with Redwood near Newburne, to the prior of Tynemouth by Ada de Fenrother. Soon after the Reformation, we find, in the list of grand jurors, a family of Erringtons residing here.
From them it passed to the Rogers, the last of which John Rogers Esq, married the only daughter and heiress of Sir John Delaval, of Seaton Delaval Lodge, and she dying within a year after marriage, without issue, and he sometime afterwards being declared a lunatic and dying, soon after, his whole estate of Denton, Rutchester etc was about the year 1760 divided among the representatives of the female heirs, vix the Hon Edward Montague Esquire, Anthony Isaacson of Newcastle and William Archdeacon Esquire. Edward Montague Esq whose mother was a Rogers, was the grandson of the first Earl of Sandwich.
He was a man eminent for his acquirements in science, particularly mathematics. He married in 1742 Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Matthew Robinson Esq of West Layton, Yorkshire, whose extraordinary talents and beauty have been much extolled. Her inimitable letters have been published in 4 vols. She fitted up the old heavy hall of Denton in the Gothic style. This distinguished lady died August 25 1800 in her eightieth year, having survived her husband 25 years. She left his estate to her nephew Matthew Robinson, who had, by her desire taken the name of Montague. He is the younger brother to the present Lord Rokeby.
Home of John Rogers East Denton Hall circa 1776
Stafford M. Linsley
A little about Anne's father.
In spite of the success of the
harbour at Seaton Sluice the Delaval estates around Hartley seem to have
been in a parlous state by the late 1680s and Sir Ralph attempted to
amend this situation by making advantageous marriage arrangements for
his sons—he and his wife had seven sons and three daughters. His first
son, Robert (1647–1682), apparently a sickly young man, was married to
Lady Elizabeth Livingston (1648?–1717), daughter of James, earl of
Newburgh, in 1670 [see Delaval, Lady Elizabeth];
Lady Elizabeth was a noted beauty at the court of Charles II but the
marriage was not a success and had effectively ended before Robert's
death without an heir.
In 1684 Sir Ralph arranged the marriage of his eldest surviving son, another Sir Ralph (1649–1696), to Diana Booth (d. 1713), daughter of Lord Delamere. He settled the succession of the estates on this son and his heirs male, and failing any, upon the next surviving son Sir John Delaval, third baronet (bap. 1654, d. 1729), subject to a payment of £8000 for any daughters born to Ralph and Diana.
Sir John had married Mary Goodyer (1659/60–1683) in 1683, but she died after a few months of marriage; he later had a daughter, Ann (c.1689–1723), but there is no evidence for a second marriage. He had a distinguished military career, served in many campaigns in Flanders, and rose to become colonel in the guards; he was elected MP for Morpeth, Northumberland, in 1701 and 1702.
In 1684 Sir Ralph arranged the marriage of his eldest surviving son, another Sir Ralph (1649–1696), to Diana Booth (d. 1713), daughter of Lord Delamere. He settled the succession of the estates on this son and his heirs male, and failing any, upon the next surviving son Sir John Delaval, third baronet (bap. 1654, d. 1729), subject to a payment of £8000 for any daughters born to Ralph and Diana.
Sir John had married Mary Goodyer (1659/60–1683) in 1683, but she died after a few months of marriage; he later had a daughter, Ann (c.1689–1723), but there is no evidence for a second marriage. He had a distinguished military career, served in many campaigns in Flanders, and rose to become colonel in the guards; he was elected MP for Morpeth, Northumberland, in 1701 and 1702.
Stafford M. Linsley
A history of Northumberland, Northumberland County History Committee, 15 vols. (1893–1940) · W. P. Hedley, Northumberland families, 2 vols., Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, Record Series (1968–70) · E. Mackenzie, An historical, topographical, and descriptive view of the county of Northumberland, 2nd edn, 2 vols. (1825) · K. Emsley, ‘A circuit judge in Northumberland’, Tyne & Tweed, 31 (spring 1978), 13–18 · F. Askham, The gay Delavals (1955) · T. S. Earnshaw, Hartley and old Seaton Sluice (1957)Archives
Northumbd RO, Newcastle upon Tyne, family MSSTHE TEMPEST-WHARTON INHERITANCE
Ref: D/Lo/D 1-41
22 Will (copy) of Benjamin Ellison of Newcastle, 1676
23 Marriage settlement (copy) John Rogers of Newcastle and Ann, daughter of Sir John Delavall of Seaton Delaval, 1713
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