16 th Great Grandparents Jane Holland married Sir William Molyneux
William the eldest son of his father. He married Jane, daughter of Sir
Robert Holland, and had Sir Richard Molins, or Molyneux
William, eldest son and heir of Sir William, was also a knight and a person of great courage and accomplishments. He distinguished himself at the battle of Navarre, Spain, under Edward the Blaci Prince, and was made a Knight Banneret in 1367. He died at Canterbury, 1372, and was buried there. He left an heir to his estate by Jane, his wife and daughter & coheir to Sir Robert Holland, Knight, by Margaret, daughter of Sir Alan Heyton, Knight.
~The Baronetage of England, Kimble & Johnson, 1771, p. 61
~The Baronetage of England, Kimble & Johnson, 1771, p. 61
William married Jane Holland, daughter of Sir Robert Holland and Margaret Heyton (Jane Holland was born about 1338 in England and died before 1372.)
Sir Thomas de Urswick was the Earl of Badsworth and a Knight of Parliament
Sir Thomas Urswick, heir of his brother Robert's moiety
of Badsworth, in addition to his own, which he obtained by marriage with
Johanna Hertforth, daughter and heiress of Roger Hertforth of
Badsworth, was Kinght of Parliment in 1422. In 1417, he filled the
office of Justice of Peace.
Two of the offspring of Sir Thomas and Johanna were Robert and Ellen. Robert married Katherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Haryington, of Brierley, and Ellen first wedded to Sir Richard Molineux, son and heir of Sir Richard, Ellen had two sons and three daughter, and became a widow in in 1396. Afterwards, she married to Sir James Hryngton, a younger brother of Sir Thomas of Brierley.
Two of the offspring of Sir Thomas and Johanna were Robert and Ellen. Robert married Katherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Haryington, of Brierley, and Ellen first wedded to Sir Richard Molineux, son and heir of Sir Richard, Ellen had two sons and three daughter, and became a widow in in 1396. Afterwards, she married to Sir James Hryngton, a younger brother of Sir Thomas of Brierley.
Adam was Bishop of Chester and keeper of the privy-seal in the
reign of King Henry VI and was murdered at Portsmouth in 1449.
married Margaret, daughter of Sir Baldwin le Strange, and left an only
child, Edith, who married Adam Troutback, Esq. Whose daughter Margret
married Sir John Talbot of Grafton, ancestor by her of the Earl of
Shrewsbury and Waterford.
The son of Sir Richard and Ellen Urswick, Sir Richard eminently
distinguished himself at the battle of Aguncourt, where he was
knighted. He married first, Joan, daughter of Sir Gilbert Haydock, of
Bradley, widow of Sir Peter Leigh of Lyme, and had eight sons and three
Sir Richard Molyneux III
Robert Molyneux
Thomas Molyneux b 1424 d 1491 Married Elizabeth Markham and Catherine Cotton
Peter Molyneux
Joan Haydock another wealthy landlowner from her heritage!
The manor of HAYDOCK was a
dependency or member of the fee of
Newton. The first distinct notice of
it is in 1168, when Orm de Haydock had paid two
out of the 10 marks due from him to the aid for
marrying the king's daughter. He granted land called Cayley
to the Hospitallers. His son
Alfred took a surname from
Ince, in which his demesne
lay; and Haydock was divided
between Hugh and William
de Haydock, who were in
possession in 1212.
Hugh de Haydock had a son Gilbert, who married Alice daughter
of Matthew de Bold, and received lands in Bold with
her. Their son and heir was named Matthew, and
in 1286 ten messuages, eight oxgangs and 4 acres of
land in Haydock and Bold were settled on Matthew
by his father, (fn. 15) and the moiety of the manor of
Haydock was granted in 1292. Some other acts
of Gilbert's are known; (fn. 17) he seems to have died
about 1300.
Matthew de Haydock lived till about 1322; a number of his charters are extant, showing that
he acquired fresh properties; one of these, in Walton
le Dale, he gave to his son Hugh. His son Gilbert
He married Joan, daughter of Sir Thomas de
Dutton, and died 12 December 1387, holding the
moiety of the manor of Haydock and lands there of
Sir John de Holland of Thorpe Watervill in socage
by a rent of 17s.; holding also various lands in
Newton, Golborne, and Bold
His son and heir
Gilbert was thirty years of age.
Of Sir Gilbert's
children the heir was his daughter Joan, who carried
this and other manors to the family of her first
husband, Peter de Legh of Lyme in Cheshire.
She afterwards married Sir Richard de Molyneux of
Sefton, and her tomb is in Sefton Church.
My GGgrandfathers and mothers...great article!