Margaret McConnell and George Bills had two sons
William Bills born 1875 at Gulgong He died in 1966 buried at Kogarah NSW
John George Bills born 1878
William Bills married Jessie Florence Watson and they had
Edward George Bills b 1910 d 1997
IrIs Francella Bills b 1912 d 1985 m Arthur J Baldwin
Colin William Bills b 1914 d 1999 m Marcia Hilda Miller
Jessie was born 1885 and died 1956, she was the daughter of Edward Watkins and Emma Pike
They were married at St John's Parramatta, on 25th January 1909
On the certificate it states his father was a carpenter, as was George Bills researched on the previous post.
He also mentions the name of his mother Margaret Francella McConnell deceased.
Perhaps then Francella was her second name!
John George Bills born 1878 married Bessie Goyen He was a fireman in Sydney at St John's Road at Glebe as shown on the 1913 census
He married Bessie Campbell a widow in 1921. Bessie was the daughter of Nicholas and Martha Goyen.
Nothing can be sourced after this date. From a family story, the marriage may not have lasted.
And then there was Charlotte.
There is quite a bit of intrigue with Charlotte. She wrote poems and it seems that when she wrote them she included snippets of her life. But did she recall the facts correctly, for certain some of it was what she was told.
She wrote this poem:
New Chums in Australia
We landed in Australia
In 1869 or 70
And father being a builder
Worked in Sydney
With plenty of work to do
Till father got gold fever
As men were prone to do
The Gulgong rush was on
And father like many other men.
Packed up and went along
Left Mother and me in Sydney
To stay there for a while
It would not take our Father long
To make a great big pile
Some of his mines were duffers
Others would only pay
The next one showed a profit
So it went on day by day
Mother kept a Ladies School in Sydney
Just to bring little in
Taught young ladies to play the Piano
or taught them how to sing
So time passed without event
for a year or more
Until a wire came one day
Saying Husband had an accident
Come without delay
Mother sent a wire back
Coming right away.
That night the train left Sydney
Took us to Wallerawang
Cobb and Co coach took us the rest
With many a bump and bang
It was wonderful the distance
Those strong old Horses, could travel in
We reached Home Rule diggings
On the evening of that day
Yes father was very ill or that there is ..
And took some months before
He cold again, walk about
When we arrived at Home Rule
On the Coyal
A miner lent us his tent
So we had no house at all
When we lit a candle to undress
It threw our shadow on the tent wall
Me a little Pigmy
Mother straight and tall
We undressed in the dark
To keep our shadows off the wall.
We arrive there on Friday
A supposed unlucky day
We inspired sympathy in Dame Fortune
She turned her wheel the other way.
For on Saturday the miners came
to see what they could do
Saying do not worry mate
We will help you through
Till you sell your home in Sydney
And see what you can do
Analysing the poem, provides an insight into where they were working and living, coupled with the known factual research.
Unfortunately Charlotte did not know of her brothers and sisters, and that is also displayed in one of her poems. For some reason, her belief was that they arrived in Australia in 1869/1870. That information gels with the death registration of her mother. (born in Charleston, USA). Her mother in describing her husband Montague John Felton Durnford, also believed he was born in USA, as she called him in her desertion announcement.
The family lived along the gold routes, and Charlotte was born in Hill End in 1867.
Her younger sister Harriet was born in Musswelbrook in 1871, and at that time Montgaue was purporting to be a famous coach builder.
To refresh her life, and the life of her mother, this sourced information is repeated.
Timeline of the family 1868 - 1872
Then in 1868 Montague John Felton Durnford deserts Margaret and the Children.

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He is described as 5ft 7in tall, fair
with fair hair, a beard and a moustache, a native of British America, with a shot gun wound on one wrist!
British American?
A shot gun wound!, wonder what sort of a fight he must have been in, but there are no police records at all for him under Durnford or Dunsford or Dunford. Perhaps that is why he needed to be called John Felerton, (the name he used to record his son's birth).
He is missing for the period May 1868 - to the beginning of 1871.
By 1871 he must have returned home, but where was he, in between and what was he doing?
You probably will enjoy the following information!
From the Mussellbrook Newspaper of 1871.
Isn't that priceless? He is an American from Boston, and he fought in the Civil War, for four years, and received an injury which he wears with pride and retains as a memento of his patriotism!
But it gets better. He advertises for work as per the ad.

Lewis Downing, a wheelwright from Lexington, Mass., arrived in Concord on a mild May morning in 1818 with a set of tools and $60 in his pocket. Downing was “endowed with courage and optimism,” and made his first carriage for Benjamin Kimball. Downing prospered as a wheelwright, setting up a small factory that had more than a dozen employees. He joined forces with carriage builder J. Stephen Abbot in 1826, and the first Concord Coach was built in the following year. (Abbot died 1871)
The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy
Harriet was born in October 1871 and died in December 1871, registered as Harriet Dussford

By 1872, he is declared Bankrupt.
Then guilty of assault and spends a bit of time in jail, again.
Hope you are also following the surname changes - take your pick!
In 1872
He is bankrupt, but how did he get the money to start his coach building venture?You probably will enjoy the following information!
From the Mussellbrook Newspaper of 1871.
Isn't that priceless? He is an American from Boston, and he fought in the Civil War, for four years, and received an injury which he wears with pride and retains as a memento of his patriotism!
But it gets better. He advertises for work as per the ad.

Lewis Downing, a wheelwright from Lexington, Mass., arrived in Concord on a mild May morning in 1818 with a set of tools and $60 in his pocket. Downing was “endowed with courage and optimism,” and made his first carriage for Benjamin Kimball. Downing prospered as a wheelwright, setting up a small factory that had more than a dozen employees. He joined forces with carriage builder J. Stephen Abbot in 1826, and the first Concord Coach was built in the following year. (Abbot died 1871)
The American Civil War, widely known in the United States as simply the Civil War as well as other sectional names, was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confederacy
Then in 1871 Harriet is born again with the surname Dunsford
Name: | Harriet A Dunsford |
Birth Date: | 1871 |
Father's name: | John Montague F Dunsford |
Mother's name: | Margaret B |
Birth Place: | New South Wales |
Registration Year: | 1871 |
Registration Place: | Muswellbrook, New South Wales |
Harriet was born in October 1871 and died in December 1871, registered as Harriet Dussford

By 1872, he is declared Bankrupt.
Then guilty of assault and spends a bit of time in jail, again.
Hope you are also following the surname changes - take your pick!
In 1872
Did he strike it lucky on the gold fields?

Did they then go to the town of Gulong?. Since his arrival in Australia he has followed the gold, either as a contractor, or with coaches.
Originally granted to the Waratah Coal Company, the area was the site of the company's first shaft, sunk in 1873. Officially called South Waratah, the pit was variously known as Charles' Pit, Raspberry Gully or The Gully Pit. These names all applied to Charlestown in its early days and the surviving name seem to have been derived from that of Charles Smith, the company's manager. The first settlers were miners from the pit.
The company had the area surveyed on 29 April 1876; the first subdivision later became Ida Street, Pearson Street, Milson Street and Frederick Streets. Harry Wright bought the first lot when it was auctioned later in 1876.
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Life on the diggings |
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Sofala old store |
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Christ Church in Sofala |
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The cemetery |
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The Gaol now Coffee shop with museum worth a look |
The General Store in 1872 |
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The Royal Exchange Hotel Sofala |

Home Rule was a gold digging area, on the Coyal River.
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Tuesday 9 July 1872, page 2
(From the Western Post, July 6.)
scene at Home Rule is a busy one, and very few people con form an idea
of it unless they go and see for themselves. A township is in rapid
formation, and streets are being made close to the golden holes. One
digger refused £500 for a share in a claim on the right spot. Everyone
appears sanguine The storekeepers and publicans look remarkably
pleasant, as if they anticipated rich harvests, and even John Chinaman
smiles graciously on meeting you. It would almost be an impossibility
to give an account of the different claims, as they extend for miles;
and until the dispute as to the frontage and block system is settled,
many men will prefer to be idle. On some other occasion I hope to give a
longer account of the Home Rule diggings, coupled with Gulgong.
On Mr Lowe's property at Wilbetree, two shafts have been sunk, one to a depth of 130 feet. As yet only the colour has been found, but it is in contemplation to sink other shafts.
In the Eagle Hawk Gold Mining Company, the work lately done has proved very satisfactory. The water is now being baled out. The sinking is far easier, and in consequence of this, a fresh contract is to be issued, as the former one applied to boring through the rock. The men have lately come upon a beautiful soft blue slate and a good deal of mundic. The promoters, from these signs, expect soon to reach something better, and they feel every confidence in placing it before the public.
The No 1 Old Gulgong is getting good gold, and there are three or lour other claims on the same line also producing average returns, but most of the men have left for the Home Rule Rush
Our correspondent at Cudgegong writes -The prospecting of the Cudgegong reef is progressing, the} ore now in about thirty feet working still on a face, na the ground is not solid enough to dnve From the top to the floor of the cutting is about l8 feet, consisting of hard slate with quartz leaders running through it, but as vet shewing no gold Some of the stone from the surface in No 5 claim north from the Prospectors has been crushed, and the average was 6 ozs 7 dwts to the ton, none of this stone had gold visible in it before crushing, also some Etone from the adjoining, No 4, was crushed, and the average was 12 ox l0dwts to the ton, this stone liad a fair quantity} of fine gold visible before crushing. A meeting of the claimholders was held nt Mr Ward's Hotel, Cudgegong, on Saturday, the 29th ult, for the purpose of making arrangements to assist the prospectors in defraying their expenses. It was agreed that all claimholders on the reef should pay one shilling per week each from the tune of commencement until the reef should be developed From the nature of the stone there is little doubt but this reef will turn out a good one £50 has already been offered for a share There is one great advan-tage, its being near to the Cudgegong River, there-fore a good supply of water can be
depended upon.
On Mondav, July 1st, some ground belonging to Mrs Thomas Newell, of Riversdale, about two miles from Cudgegong, was thrown open to the public Several claims have been pegged out The sinking is about 10 feet, with from 8 to 18 inches of washdirt One hole was bottomed with 5 grs. to the dish The nature of the ground is a loose sandy drift, and needs much care m securing
On Mr Lowe's property at Wilbetree, two shafts have been sunk, one to a depth of 130 feet. As yet only the colour has been found, but it is in contemplation to sink other shafts.
In the Eagle Hawk Gold Mining Company, the work lately done has proved very satisfactory. The water is now being baled out. The sinking is far easier, and in consequence of this, a fresh contract is to be issued, as the former one applied to boring through the rock. The men have lately come upon a beautiful soft blue slate and a good deal of mundic. The promoters, from these signs, expect soon to reach something better, and they feel every confidence in placing it before the public.
The No 1 Old Gulgong is getting good gold, and there are three or lour other claims on the same line also producing average returns, but most of the men have left for the Home Rule Rush
Our correspondent at Cudgegong writes -The prospecting of the Cudgegong reef is progressing, the} ore now in about thirty feet working still on a face, na the ground is not solid enough to dnve From the top to the floor of the cutting is about l8 feet, consisting of hard slate with quartz leaders running through it, but as vet shewing no gold Some of the stone from the surface in No 5 claim north from the Prospectors has been crushed, and the average was 6 ozs 7 dwts to the ton, none of this stone had gold visible in it before crushing, also some Etone from the adjoining, No 4, was crushed, and the average was 12 ox l0dwts to the ton, this stone liad a fair quantity} of fine gold visible before crushing. A meeting of the claimholders was held nt Mr Ward's Hotel, Cudgegong, on Saturday, the 29th ult, for the purpose of making arrangements to assist the prospectors in defraying their expenses. It was agreed that all claimholders on the reef should pay one shilling per week each from the tune of commencement until the reef should be developed From the nature of the stone there is little doubt but this reef will turn out a good one £50 has already been offered for a share There is one great advan-tage, its being near to the Cudgegong River, there-fore a good supply of water can be
depended upon.
On Mondav, July 1st, some ground belonging to Mrs Thomas Newell, of Riversdale, about two miles from Cudgegong, was thrown open to the public Several claims have been pegged out The sinking is about 10 feet, with from 8 to 18 inches of washdirt One hole was bottomed with 5 grs. to the dish The nature of the ground is a loose sandy drift, and needs much care m securing
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photograph taken c.1872 of shops at Home Rule, New South Wales. Part of Holtermann Collection. |
Home Rule is a 19th-century gold rush town in rural New South Wales, Australia. It is 290 km to Sydney.
On 9 July 1872 The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser reported that "the scene at Home Rule is a busy one, and very few people con form an idea of it unless they go and see for themselves. A township is in rapid formation, and streets are being made close to the golden holes. One digger refused £500 for a share in a claim on the right spot. Everyone appears sanguine. The storekeepers and publicans look remarkably pleasant, as if they anticipated rich harvests, and even John Chinaman smiles graciously on meeting you. It would almost be an impossibility to give an account of the different claims, as they extend for miles; and until the dispute as to the frontage and block system is settled, many men will prefer to be idle.

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Gold stamping Hill End 1870 |

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Hill End 1870 |
Life at Hill End in the 1870's - Amazing photos, as now the whole area is nothing more than signposts on each location which identifies who lived/worked/ on the same land.
Charlotte Durnford who married David Henry Tasker and her daughter Emma Francella Tasker
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And the family resemblance is very strong, this is her niece, my grandmother Maud Miriam Durnford In fact there is a huge family resemblance with the facial structure of Emma! |
Henry died in 1934
Archibald died in 1947. Little did he know that his cousin lived so close to The Grange.
Most intriguing was another family of Bill/Bills who lived at Goulbourn, between 1860 and 1887.
This was the family of John Hodgson Bills, who was a convict and who arrived on the Asia in 1837. He was pardoned in 1851.
John had a son, William who called his son William Montagu Bates Bills, he was born in 1881.